I took a few seconds to think.

Then I focused on Madison. “He knows, right?”

She looked at me. “He knows. He’s stupid but not when it comes to this.”

“You admitted it?”

“I didn’t know what to do. It all surprised me.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I have to worry about it, Mav,” Madison said. “I knew something like this was going to happen.”

“So, let’s deal with it,” I said. “Put the pepper spray down. Here, let me take it.”

I touched Madison’s wrist and took the pepper spray from her.

As soon as I did that, Lay climbed to his feet.

“Hey, it’s all cool here,” he said. “I promise. We’re all good, right?”

I looked at Lay. “You weren’t supposed to be here, Lay.”

“I know that.”

“You didn’t see anything either,” Madison said.

“See? What did I see? I was dropping off something for Coach. I bumped into you, Madison. You were taking pictures. Right?”

“This is too convenient,” Madison said. “Fuck!”

She turned and walked out of the showers.

I pointed at Lay and curled my lip. “Don’t move an inch. Got it?”

“I’m going to stand right here,” he said.

I chased after Madison, out into the hallway outside the showers.

I spun her around and she pushed at my chest.

“Don’t even try to get mad at me,” I said. “You insisted on bringing my lucky shirt back.”

“Because you had me all worked up over that stupid superstition. And you said nobody was here.”

“Nobody was supposed to be here,” I said.

“Lay was!”

“I know that now, sweetie. I’m sorry.”

“He didn’t even give me a chance. It was written all over my face.”

“What was?”

“You and I together, Mav,” Madison said. “I was so excited to bring that shirt for you. I never get like this. This is your fault.”

She pushed at my chest again.