I threw out a nervous laugh.

I assumed Chelsea was joking.

But what if she wasn’t?

I should have been excited.

A free trip to Europe to take pictures?

Why wasn’t I excited at the small possibility of that?

Because I’d be away from Maverick.

That thought made me cringe.

I wasn’t falling for this guy, right?

“Oh, no!”I cried out from the bathroom.

“Are we allowed in?” Zoe asked from the other side of the door.

“Who cares?” Eva asked. “Nothing we haven’t seen before.”

The door flew open.

“Madison,” Zoe said. “What’s wrong?”

I stared at the bathroom floor.

“Is it a really big spider?” Eva asked. “One with fangs?”

“Are you writing about spiders that are vampires?” Zoe asked.

Eva snapped her fingers. “I think I’ll add that into my new book.”

I moved my hamper back to its original spot and spun around.

“Nothing,” I said. “I’m fine.”

“What?” Zoe asked. “You’re acting weird now. Move.”

I tried to block Zoe, but she nudged me out of the way and moved the hamper.

“You yelled over that?” Zoe asked. “A shirt?”

“I know,” I said. “I’m crazy. Let’s go back out there…”

Zoe put a hand out. “Why did you yell? Wait a second…”

Zoe crouched down and grabbed the shirt.

“Ut-oh,” Eva said when she saw the shirt. “That’s a man’s shirt.”

“And it kind of smells like sweat,” Zoe said.

“I wore it last,” I said.

“So?” Zoe asked.