Chapter Thirty-Three


Iwaited nervously for Chelsea to show up.

I sipped my coffee, it was too hot.

I cringed and felt like screaming.

The door opened and I saw Chelsea.

I jumped up and waved as though I was swatting away fifteen thousand bees.

Calm yourself, Madison.

I took a deep breath.

“So glad we can meet up,” Chelsea said.

“Yeah, for sure,” I said. “How are you? How was the honeymoon?”

“Well, we just did a couple nights in a fancy hotel for now,” Chelsea said. “John has some big deal he’s been working on. Once that closes though, we are traveling for two months throughout Europe. I can’t wait.”

“That sounds amazing,” I said. “Need a photographer to come with?”

“Don’t tempt me, Madison,” Chelsea said.

“So that means…?”

“The wedding pictures are better than I could have ever imagined.”


“I can’t believe the work you’ve done here. And so fast.”

“Well, to be fair, you’re the only person I would consider a client.”

“Still,” Chelsea said. “The pictures are beautiful, Madison.”

“I picked out what I thought were the best ones. If you find any others that you would want me to edit, clean up, whatever, you just call me, okay?”

“You really need to do this full-time,” Chelsea said. “You really need to think it over. I know a lot of people who would hire you in a second. And John. He works with so many people. You’d be busier than you could ever imagine.”

“You don’t have to do that for me, Chelsea,” I said.

“Yes, I do. You wanted the exposure, right? That was our deal. I’m giving it to you. If you don’t want it, then I’m going to write you another check.”

“I’m just thrilled you liked the pictures.”

“I love the pictures,” she said. “I can’t believe you did it all by yourself. It wasn’t even the people in the pictures. You knew how to capture the setting. Oh, listen to me now. I sound like I know what I’m talking about.”

“No, it’s great to hear that,” I said. “I take pride in what I do and I’m glad that you feel that way.”

“Well, get yourself organized and ready to get busy,” Chelsea said. “I hope you don’t mind me just popping in for a minute. I have to do a little shopping.”

“That’s fine,” I said. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to be happy or not. If you wanted me to change things or retake pictures or…”

“Everything is perfect, Madison. Thank you again. And, hey, maybe I’ll hire you for my actual honeymoon.”