I hurried to take my shirt off.

Maverick closed in on me again.

When I saw his hands moving toward my face, I had other plans in mind.

I touched the tops of his hands and moved them to my breasts.

He cupped over my bra but only for a second.

He took his hands away.


I reached back and unsnapped my bra.

I let it fall to the floor.

Then I pressed my bare breasts together, my nipples knotted tight from the cool air hitting them.

I wasted no time in ripping open the little button of my jeans.

I stared up at Maverick, my lip starting to curl.

“You’re here to fuck me,” I said. “Nothing else.”

“That’s what you think?”

“That’s what I know. So get to work, Mav.”

He moved at me again.

His strong hands touched my sides.

He picked me up.

I gasped and groaned.

“Take me, Mav,” I purred.

Maverick did take me.

He took me to my bedroom.

He carried me to my bed.

He sat me down on the bed.

I leaned back for a second.

Then I sat back up, realizing I was eye level with the huge bulge in his pants.

There was no hiding that bulge either.

It wasn’t like with jeans where he could tuck and maneuver that thing around.

These were tight athletic pants and they formed against the amazing length of his-

Maverick leaned forward and down a little.