Chapter Twenty-Nine


Irolled up in my own bedsheets and watched as Maverick walked from the bathroom wearing nothing but unbuttoned pants.

My toes curled and I picked having him for breakfast.

He looked at me. “I know you’re awake.”

“My eyes aren’t closed.”

“I have to take off.”

“You just fuck and run, huh?”

“Fuck and run?” Maverick asked with a smile. “I’m pretty sure I’ve spent every night here for how long now?”

I bit my lip for a second. “Do you think it’s getting… too risky?”

Maverick walked to the edge of the bed and looked down at me. “It’s been risky from the second we met.”

“I know that, Mav. It’s just… you coming and going. If it gets too normal, we’ll get caught.”

“Is this your roundabout way of saying you want me to not stay the night anymore? Do you want to take a break?”

“No,” I said. “I didn’t say that. I don’t want that.”

“So you want me here every night?” Maverick asked. “Are you committing to me sleeping here? I do have an apartment too, sweetie.”

“Don’t try to twist this around,” I said. “Now you’re trying to get me mad.”

“It’s easy to do,” he said. “I’m leaving. Is it too much of a commitment to kiss you right now?”

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. “Get out!”

Maverick laughed and walked out of my bedroom as he began to put his shirt on.

I managed to wait all of three seconds before scrambling out of the bed, blankets wrapped around me, charging after Maverick.

“I want a kiss,” I called out to him. “I’m telling you to come over and kiss me. I’m ordering you, Mav.”

He turned, now fully clothed.

“You’re ordering me?” he asked.

“That’s right,” I said. “Get over here and kiss me.”

Maverick walked toward me.

He touched my face with both hands.

And he kissed me.

Because I told him to kiss me.

Not because it was implied. Not because he wanted to kiss me more than I wanted him to kiss me. Not because we were committed or anything like that.

I just wanted a kiss.