“Wow, you all are messed up,” Abel said. “And you wonder why I can never bring my child around this team.”

“You’re the worst of all of us,” Remi said. “Don’t act like you’re a changed man.”

“How’s the puppy doing, Remi?” Matias asked with a smirk.

Riff started to chuckle.

“Something funny over there, asshole?” Remi asked Riff.

I got to my feet and walked toward Remi. “Want to hear about my night?”

I wasn’t one to gossip, but if it was going to keep Remi and Riff from killing each other, it was worth it.

Matias offered Lay a hand and pulled him to his feet.

I gave the rundown of what happened with Chloe, then with Grace.

“Wait a second,” Abel said. “That was too much information at once here.”

“I didn’t know you have a girlfriend,” Lay said.

“You should have told Lay about it,” Riff said. “He would have carved a picture of her favorite animal into his balls.”

We all started to laugh.

“I shouldn’t have said a word then,” Lay said. “I thought it was a funny story.”

“What exactly did you do to yourself down there?” I asked.

“If I can just show you all for a second,” Lay said.

He grabbed the front of his jeans again.

Riff and Matias grabbed Lay’s wrists.

We all collectively screamedNO!

“Hold on,” Abel said. “Back to Mav here. You caught your girlfriend riding some guy? Did you kill the guy?”

“I didn’t kill him,” I said. “I made sure he understood he was in the wrong.”

“Be careful with that stuff,” Remi growled. “We’re famous athletes.”

“Oh, calm down, big guy,” Lay said. “You have to defend the honor of your dick.”

“Do you have honor in your dick right now?” Remi asked.

“Not much,” Lay said. “But it’ll grow back.”

“Your dick?” Reid asked. “Did you cut your dick? You know it won’t grow back, right? You’re not a lizard.”

“What the hell are we even talking about?” Riff asked.

“Nothing,” I said. “We need to get ready for practice. Big morning here.”

“Let’s all take a second and give Mav credit,” Abel said. “Finds his woman banging another guy so he beats up the guy, then finds a new woman to screw. That’s a bold move.”

The team applauded me.