My father stepped back.

That was the best excuse to throw out there.

And I used it way too often.

Honestly, at this point, with how many times I used that excuse, I must have gotten my period every three days.

But it always worked.

“Oh,” my father said. “That explains the look.”

“The look?” I asked.

“Well, you look a little off right now,” he said. “Your hair is messy and I think your pants are on backwards.”

I cringed.

Heat moved to my cheeks.

“Yeah, well, that’s how it goes,” I said. “You try bleeding for days at a time with no relief and then come talk to me!”

“I’m not saying a word,” my father said. “Feel better soon.”

He blew me a kiss and all but ran out of my apartment.

By the time I lunged forward and locked the door, Maverick stepped out of my bedroom.

I spun around.

We looked at each other.

I knew instantly he heard everything.

Which meant he had a ton of questions for me.

Before I could tell him to keep his sexy mouth shut, his cellphone began to ring.

“Don’t answer it this time,” I said. “You almost got us caught last time, remember?”

“Um, sweetie,” Maverick said as he dropped his clothes to the floor.

He had his phone in his left hand and his right hand covering his cock.

“Your father is calling me now,” he said.

“What?” I asked. “Why?”

“He, uh, he kind of took to me,” Maverick said. “He kind of trusts me. He’s got me helping plan something for Coach’s wife.”

I touched my forehead. “So, you and my father are, what, becoming best friends now?”

“I have no idea,” Maverick said.

I turned and hit my head off my apartment door.

Maverick knew he had no choice but to answer the call.

Or else my father would have just kept calling.

So that meant Maverick stood naked in my apartment, talking to my father on the phone.

This was now becoming the most serious casual hookup of all time.