“That’s what you want, right?”

“Of course it’s what I want,” she said.

“So, what, are you afraid?”

“I’m not afraid, Mav,” she snapped.

“Yes, you are. And it’s cute to see.”

“I’m not afraid,” she repeated.

I walked closer to her. “Listen to me.” I reached for her hips and hooked my thumbs into the empty loops of her jeans, then pulled her toward me. “You just have to trust yourself, Madison. That’s it. You said this woman found you because of pictures you took. What more do you need? You didn’t have to sell yourself. Your ability did that for you.”

“I know,” she said. “I’m just not used to this.”

“Well, let it all work out,” I said. “You’re going to kick ass at this. I know you are. Just take the pictures you know how to take. Don’t overthink it.”

“This is all talk to get into my panties, isn’t it?”

“It really is,” I whispered. “I can’t help myself, sweetie.”

“And what am I supposed to do with that now?” Madison asked me.

I slowly moved my lips down to hers. “At least I was honest. And we both know a great way to relieve some stress.”

My lips touched Madison’s and she groaned into my mouth.

Her hands grabbed at my shirt.

“Oh, fuck,” she purred.“Make your move, Mav… before I change my mind.”