Chapter 2
“Honeys,I’mhome!”Icalled as I walked through the front door of my parents’ house.
Katy leaped into my arms and tackled me to the floor. “Yes! Let’s go read my story!”
“You are crazy,” I said, giving her a big kiss on her head. “I think you have way too much energy for bedtime.”
“Never!” she screeched in my ear. I gently pushed her off of me and stood up, then carried her to her room. She was already in her pajamas, so she climbed into her bed and cuddled up with me.
“Which book did you pick tonight?” I asked.
She handed me a yellow book with a bunny on the cover. “It’s called ‘I Want to Dance.’ Mom just got it for me.”
I snuggled under the covers with her and read the story about a bunny that wants to join a ballet class, then creates her own recital of bunnies under the full moon. Katy finally yawned as we reached the last page.
“Did you like that story?” I asked.
She nodded and slowly rested her head on my shoulder. “I loved it. It was so cute. I want dancing bunnies now.”
I smoothed her hair. “We already have chickens and a goat. I don’t think Mom and Dad will want bunnies. But maybe they’ll dance in your dreams tonight.” I climbed out of her bed and tucked her in. “Good night, Katy girl. Make sure you say your prayers.”
She nodded. “I love having you home. Good night, Ivy.”
My heart warmed. “I love you, Katy.” I clicked off the lights and closed her door, but not all the way, unless I wanted to face her wrath. I followed the light illuminating the hallway until I found my dad watching TV. I collapsed next to him on the couch. I could almost forget he was paralyzed from the waist down, but his wheelchair sitting beside him brought me back to reality.
“What are we watching tonight?” I asked.
“Star Trek: The Next Generation. No captain like Picard.” He pulled on his blonde mustache that was starting to become mixed with gray.
“Agreed.” I reached over for the Oreos he was snacking on. “Although Chris Pine was nice to look at in the movies.”
Dad snapped his head to look directly at me, his blue eyes piercing mine. “The new movies don’t count. They’re a different universe.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Whatever. It still counts to me.”
He smirked and turned back to the episode. “How was work?”
“Good. It was the recreational girls today, but they’re fun.”
“And how was your clandestine meeting after work?”
My eyes widened. “Excuse me?”
He laughed. “Come on. You can’t keep anything from me.”
How on earth did he know? I thought I was being so secretive. I huffed. “I’m offended.” I paused. “It went well.”
“I knew it.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Who is it?”
“Nope. Not telling you.” I shook my head emphatically. “Not yet. There are other people who would need to know first.” Like his sister. AKA my best friend.
His brow furrowed. He was too smart, putting the puzzle pieces together. I needed to distract him before he figured everything out. “How was physical therapy?” I asked quickly.
He smirked at me. He knew what I was doing, but he played along. “It went well today. They have me doing this water therapy, so I get to be in the pool the whole time.”
“That sounds awesome.”
“It was. It’s a lot of time, and a lot of work. But it felt good.”