I nodded.
“Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you guys dated,” she said.
I shook my head. “I can’t handle that right now.”
She raised one shoulder. “He seemed happy. He needs someone like you, to keep him from being too serious and stoic.”
I chuckled. “I’m the opposite of serious and stoic.”
“Exactly,” Amy laughed. “But I think he’s good for you, too.”
“How’s that?”
She moved her lips to the side, thinking about her next words. “You have a lot on your shoulders. You’re generous and giving, almost to a fault. You need someone who will look out for you and take care of you.” She put her hands on my shoulders. “I don’t want you to fall apart from the weight.”
I shrugged her hands off my shoulders and shook my head. “I’m fine. I can handle it. Dating someone seriously would just be another burden.”
“Would it?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. When I didn’t respond, she sighed. I set the flowers down on the floor for now and followed her out the front door.
I gave Lucas a hug before he got into the car, then I looked at Amy. My Amy. She had grown so much, and I was so proud of her, but I felt like I was getting left behind. No, I was going backwards. Living at home, working a job where I wasn’t getting paid enough.
But this wasn’t the time for dwelling on my own issues.
“It’s not that far.” Amy said as she hugged me.
“It really is. If we lived in the regency era, it would take me seven hours to walk to you.”
“Thank goodness we live in the twenty-first century and you own a car,” Amy replied, rolling her eyes at me.
I stuck my tongue out at her and squeezed her with one last hug. “I’ll miss you.”
She pulled back and held my shoulders. “Promise me you’ll let me know if you need anything, okay? Like, if this gets to be too much to handle.”
“Psh.” I waved my hand at her. “You worry too much. I got this.”
She hesitated for a moment. “What about Scott?”
“What about him?” I replied, narrowing my eyes.
She mirrored my expression. “Call me if you need anything.” She hugged me one more time, then climbed into the car. She blew me a couple kisses as they drove away.
I watched them leave, then pulled my phone out of my pocket and typed a text to Scott.Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful. But I think it’s best if we had some time apart.
His reply came back instantly.If that’s what you want. But whenever you need me, I’ll be there.