Chapter 7
Thenextday,Isat in the car line waiting to pick Katy up from school. I scrolled through Instagram, admiring some of my favorite choreographers’ new pieces. Sariah Silver had 250,000 followers, and the most incredible dancers came to train from all over the country with her. Her style was edgy and funky, and the talent she bred was jaw-dropping.
My phone buzzed with a call from Lisa. I clicked the answer button. “Hey, Lisa. What’s up?”
“Hey, Ivy. Are you coming to Blake’s rehearsal today?”
“I was going to drop Katy off for her rehearsal and jazz technique class, but I wasn’t planning on staying. I figured Blake would let me know when she needs me.” The back door to the car opened, and Katy let herself in. I blew her an air-kiss and pointed to the Bluetooth system in the car, hoping she’d get the hint and stay quiet.
“Hi, Lisa!” Katy called. I tipped my head back against the headrest. Now that she could read like a champion, she wanted to be part of all my conversations. Little stinker. Brilliant, but annoying.
“Hi, Katy. I was just about to ask Ivy to come help out at your rehearsal today.”
“Yay!” Katy squealed.
My shoulders slumped. I wanted to spend the evening getting ready for dinner with Scott, not getting sweaty coaching a bunch of girls who weren’t even onmyteam.
Lisa read my silence correctly. “Ivy, we could really use your help. Blake hasn’t started a team from scratch yet.”
What could I say? I loved the studio and the girls, including my own sister. If Lisa needed me, I could sacrifice an afternoon. “All right. I’ll be there.”
Lisa sighed with relief. “Thank you so much.”
I hung up the phone as Katy buckled herself into her booster seat. I was going to be a little depressed when she outgrew it. She was already losing the “baby” parts of her personality, and soon there would be nothing left. While my mom’s unexpected pregnancy shifted our family dynamic and rocked our world, my sisters and I jumped in to help. I loved taking care of her, like she was my own little baby doll. But now, she was growing and developing into her own little person. And going through the accident with Mom and Dad, those few days of terror when we didn’t even know if he’d wake up, had matured her beyond her seven years.
“How was school?” I asked, pulling the car onto the street.
“Good. I like my teacher, and second grade is fun. Except James kept trying to give me a cootie shot. Boys are gross.”
And other times, she was still seven.
When we got home, I fixed Katy a snack of apples and peanut butter so she could work on her homework before we had to leave again. After her rehearsal with Blake and technique class afterwards, she wouldn’t have much time to do more homework. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, going through a stack of bills and checking something on her laptop.
“I told you, you’re killing trees,” I said as I slid into the chair across from her.
She glanced up at me with a half-smile, then went back to her analysis.
“That bad?” I asked.
She sighed, taking off her reading glasses. “It’s a little rough. But we’ll figure it out.”
“I can try to take on more private lessons. Or another job. My mornings are open.” I pointed at her. “Or I could even start racing our chickens. The dog races were getting a little boring.”
My mom patted my hand. “You’re doing more than enough just by being here. Don’t worry.” She put her glasses back on and resumed her work.
There was no way I was going to let my parents do this alone. How was this fair? Scott and Amy’s parents, selfish and petty, never had to deal with money issues. Yet, here were my parents, who had provided us with a loving and supportive home, and now they couldn’t make ends meet.
I walked around the table and knelt next to my mom, giving her a big hug. “I’m going to help,” I said.
She smiled sadly and smoothed my hair. “Youarehelping. Thank you.” She patted my cheek.
I went to my room and pulled out my clothes for work. Could I even call it work if I wasn’t getting paid? I picked up my phone and texted Scott.Change of afternoon plans—I have to go to work after all. I’ll still be there for dinner, though. Pinky promise.
He texted back immediately.You better!He sent the message with a winking face.
I got dressed in my leggings, shirt, and hoodie tied around my waist, then headed down the stairs to the living room. After Katy was ready, we headed to the studio.
“I’m excited for Ms. Blake, but I’m sad you’re not our coach this year,” Katy said from the back seat.