Page 14 of Feel the Rhythm

“We’re going to head to bed,” my dad said. “See you in the morning. Or late afternoon, if you’re Ivy.” He winked at me.

I groaned. “I’ll be up in time for breakfast.”

“I’ll make sure!” Katy added. “I’ll wake her up again, like I did this morning.”

“Poor Ivy,” Amy laughed. “Can’t get your beauty sleep anymore, huh?”

“It’s the worst. If it’s not Katy, it’s Sc—” I clapped my hand over my mouth to stop his name from coming out. How on earth did that happen? I cleared my throat. “Scary noises from the closet.”

A long silence followed my terrible cover up. I waited for Amy to put it together and call me out.

“Must be those dogs you’re keeping in your closet for the races,” my mom said with a wink, saving the day.

“Wait, what?” Lucas asked.

At the same time, Katy exclaimed, “You havedogsin yourcloset?”

Phew. Crisis averted.

Until I looked at Amy. Not much got past her, especially when it came to secrets that I was holding. Once, in seventh grade, I tried to surprise her with tickets to a Britney Spears concert. The second I got the email confirmation, I called her on the phone. I couldn’t even last five minutes.

She held my gaze, trying to read the secret buried behind my lips. I smiled innocently and batted my eyes. She shook her head at me and mouthed the wordsI’ll find out.

A shiver ran down my spine. But before dealing with Amy, I had to handle Katy and Lucas. “It’s a joke,” I reassured them. “No dogs here. Just Waffles.”

Katy sighed. “That’s disappointing.”

With a chuckle, my parents waved goodnight and headed to their room.

“Well, I guess I’m off to bed too,” I said. I fake-yawned and stretched my arms wide.

“Not so fast,” Amy said. “What are you hiding?”

“No way,” I said. “I never signed up to speak my truth. I’m not as crazy as you are.”

“But you’re hiding something.”

I changed the subject. “I amsohappy you’re home.” I gave her a big hug.

“Don’t try to hug your way out of this,” she said, keeping her arms straight at her sides. She gave in and hugged me back. “I missed you. But don’t think I’m letting this go.”

I pulled back and held her by the shoulders. “Never. I know you will never let this go.” I looked over her shoulder at Lucas, who had a smile as he watched the two of us. “Good night, Lucas. See you in the morning.”

I headed off to bed, berating myself for coming so close to letting it spill again. What was wrong with me today? I must have been getting soft now that Amy was home. Time to lock up the vault again. I climbed into bed and fell asleep almost immediately, dreaming of Australian animals singing pop music.