Amy smiled. “You’ve lived here your whole life. You’re just now realizing it?”
I shrugged. “I guess so. I never felt the spiritual connection to the ocean like you do.”
“There’s something powerful about it. When I watch the waves, I’m convinced that there’s more than just us, you know?”
I nodded. I did now.
Amy looked me over, hesitation clouding her eyes.
“Out with it,” I commanded.
Her eyes darted between me and Hannah. “I talked to Scott yesterday.”
My heart picked up its rhythm at the mention of his name. “How . . . how is he?” I asked, despite my usual determination to stay indifferent. I blamed my growling stomach.
“He’s fine.” She cleared her throat. “He asked if you’re okay.”
“And? You told him I am, right?”
She took a beat, studying me. “I told him I wasn’t sure.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m fine. You should have told him that. He doesn’t need to worry.”
Hunger overtook me and I swayed for a moment. Hannah steadied me under my elbow. “Whoa, there. Do you need to sit down?”
I shrugged and pasted a smile on my face. “Just hungry. You know how much I love food.”
Amy tugged on my arm and led us into the house. “Let’s go eat. I’ll finish the tour really quick.” She leaned into me and whispered, “But we’re not done talking about this.”
She led me and Hannah around the rest of the house, and we met the boys back at the bar. Amy directed us all to the kitchen table, then disappeared into the kitchen to get the food.
Lucas grinned at us. “This is nice. I’m so glad we can all hang out together.”
“We should get Scott in on this too, now that he and Amy are talking again,” Evan said.
I widened my eyes at Hannah. Apparently, she hadn’t filled him in on our recent history.
“Ivy, how are your parents?” Hannah asked quickly, trying to fill the awkward silence.
I tilted my head side to side, adjusting to the new topic of conversation. “They’re doing as well as can be expected. My dad’s physical therapy is going really well. The doctors think there might be some progress. But he’s frustrated. And my mom is doing her best to hold everything together.”
“Didn’t they get a settlement from the insurance?” Evan asked.
I nodded. “But I don’t think it’s everything. Something seems off, and my mom is doing her best to get to the bottom of it. So, I’m trying to help out wherever I can.”
“You’ve always been so self-sacrificing,” Hannah said. “Are you doing okay?” Again, people asking if I was okay. They needed to let it go.
“Oh, I’m fine.” I picked at some lint on my sweater to avoid her eyes. “I’m happy to help. But my mom got a phone call today about possibly being on the True Trophy Wives of OC show. I guess there’s some benefit to raise awareness against texting while driving, and they want my family there.”
Hannah’s eyes widened. “Are they going to take it?” she asked.
“I think they should,” I replied. “They could use the money. And it’s a good cause.”
Evan shook his head. “We’ve watched these people our whole lives. It never turns out well for anyone. They get chased by the paparazzi and there’s all kinds of weird stories made up about them for the show.”
“Even if they get a little bit of weird publicity, I think it’s worth it for the money they’d make,” I countered.
Amy interrupted as she walked into the kitchen carrying a giant pot of spaghetti. “Is this for Stella’s benefit?” she asked.
I pursed my lips and shook my head. “I don’t know. My mom didn’t say anything about that.”
“Remember the benefit I told you I was making the invitations for? And she did agree to make an appearance on the show. It must be the same event. Lucas and I will be there, too.”
“If Stella’s involved, then I’m sure it will be fine. She’s a great person.” I smiled pointedly at everyone. “See?”
Evan and Hannah still looked skeptical. “I still don’t know,” Evan said. “There are other options to get money for your family, Ivy.”
I shook my head. “Everything’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”