Chapter 16
Isighedandclickedoff the music. “Girls, you are all over the place. What is going on?”
“They’re not counting, that’s what’s wrong,” Blake interrupted.
I was a little more irritable than usual at the team rehearsal that afternoon. Maybe the emotions from the past few weeks were catching up with me. I missed Scott, and Amy had been living in her new house for the last two weeks. On top of that, Blake had basically decided to stop trying. She liked to rebut all of my comments or give unhelpful feedback, so I was now choreographing and staging all ofherteams, in addition to my own. For minimal pay.
Oh, did I mention I was also adding rhinestones to her costumes? My poor parents tolerated their living room being covered in bedazzled costumes, but I knew they were annoyed with me.
After our disastrous dinner at the Kings’, it was like she had gotten even worse. I didn’t know if she realized that Scott and I had been together, but I wasn’t about to tell her that. She seemed completely disinterested today. I was surprised she had even shown up.
“At this point, they shouldn’t be counting,” I retorted. “They need to feel the rhythm.”
“What does that mean?” Katy asked. The one and only benefit of being at all of Blake’s rehearsals—getting to be with Katy.
I pressed my lips together, trying to think of how to explain it. “You shouldn’t be saying the numbers ‘one, two, three, four’ in your head the whole time. You should feel the beat. You feel the rhythm right here.” I thumped my chest. “Every movement you make is based on that rhythm. But you can’t push too fast or too hard. Then you’ll be racing against the music, and you’ll end up tired and out of sync with everyone else. If you all feel the rhythm, as a group, you’ll be together.” I turned the music back on. “Don’t do the choreography this time. Just listen to the music, and feel it right here.” I tapped each one of the eight girls on their chest.
Blake had zoned out during my speech and was checking something on her phone. Not my problem. The girls listened to the music, bobbing their heads and bouncing along. After the song was done, I had them perform one more time.
“Whoo!” I cheered as soon as they were done. “That was incredible! Best performance so far!” I gathered them up in a group hug.
“What did you think, Ms. Blake?” one of the girls asked.
She reluctantly tore her eyes from her phone. “It was fine.”
They were disappointed, but I didn’t want to ruin the excitement. “It was excellent. You girls are going to kill it at the showcase in a few weeks. I’m so proud of you.” That brought smiles back to their faces as they hugged me one more time.
“Go to your next classes, and I’ll see you next week.” They curtsied to me and ran out the door. Blake bolted and followed them out. I gathered my things and turned around, startled to see Vicki behind me.
“Oh! Hi, Vicki. Can I help you?” I asked.
She popped her gum once, her hand on her hip. “Why isn’t Blake running rehearsal?”
I cleared my throat. “To be honest, I’m not sure. I’m only here for backup, and I’m stepping in when she needs it.”Which is basically all the time.
“I made it clear to Lisa that we wanted Blake as our coach this year.”
“Well, it sounds like you’ll need to talk to Lisa then. Excuse me, I have an appointment.” I pushed past her and out the door. My cheeks flamed with anger, and I could feel my pulse in my ears.
After all this time, hadn’t Blake proven herself to be a disaster? I was furious. How could the parents not see what a slacker she was? Incredible dancers do not necessarily make incredible coaches. She was beyond talented but selfish, whereas I was an incredible coach. I wasn’t being cocky. It was the truth. But I was being treated as lesser-than, only because I was never a professional.
If only these parents knew the job I had turned down to help my parents raise Katy.
There was no use dwelling on that. This was Lisa’s problem.
Thea flipped her gorgeous red hair over her shoulder as she showed me the pictures on her phone. These catering uniforms were completely hideous, probably so we wouldn’t compete with the True Trophy Wives and ritzy Orange County socialites. White, buttoned, long-sleeved shirts tucked into black slacks, hair in a low bun, and black shoes.
But according to Thea, the job paid well and was just one or two events a week. I could add that to my current schedule, no problem.
“I have an extra uniform if you’d need one,” she said.
I looked at both of us. She was all long limbs and legs with gorgeous curves. I was short and fit, but definitely not the same body type. “I can figure it out. Thanks, though.”
She smiled at me. “I know, it’s a pretty terrible uniform. But trust me, it’s worth it. And all the gossip you get to hear makes it extra fun.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’ve had enough gossip for a lifetime. My best friend is Amethyst King. Well, now Amethyst Carter.”
Her jaw dropped. “Oh, my goodness. I was there! I worked the gala when she told off her parents and stormed out.”