Page 23 of Feel the Rhythm

She shook her head and patted me on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Ivy. It’ll come to me.” She sauntered out of the studio and into her adoring throng of mom fans.

Fuming, I walked out of the room to find Katy waiting for me. I knelt in front of her and gave her a hug. “Have fun in your technique classes today. Mom will pick you up after.”

“You’re going home?” she asked.

“Yep. I don’t actually work today.” Another reminder that Lisa asked me to come for no pay. “I’ll see you tonight.”

I stomped to my car and called Lisa as soon as I closed the door. She didn’t pick up, so I let it out on her voicemail.

“Lisa, we need to talk. Blake showed up ten minutes late, ended ten minutes early, has zero plan, and had no idea I was going to be there. Call me back.”

That summed it up nicely.

Not even two minutes later, Lisa called me back. Before I could say anything, she started apologizing.

“Ivy, I am so sorry. I meant to talk to Blake beforehand, but I was so busy with the bookkeeping and emailing parents that it slipped my mind.”

“You really need to talk to her. These girls are going to be a mess unless you make sure she has a plan. And if you want me to help, she has to know that I’ll be there.”

“I know, I know.” Lisa sighed. “It’s getting really overwhelming.”

“You need to hire someone. You’re the owner. You shouldn’t have to manage all the bookkeeping and accounting.”

“I would, if we had the budget.” Oh, yes. The same reason why I wasn’t getting paid today.

I hesitated before proceeding. “Maybe you need to raise tuition.”


“Are you there?” I asked.

“Yes, I am.” She paused again. “You might be right. I always prided myself on having the lowest costs—”

“But not if it’s putting you out of business.”


“Well, no matter what, I need you to talk to Blake. If you want me to help her, she needs to be on the same page.”

“I will, I promise.”

“And you need to talk to her about the team. If it continues like this, they’ll be a laughingstock at competition.”

She laughed. “I doubt that. Especially if you’re helping.”

That was unfair. She couldn’t bank on the team winning just because I was helping out for free, right?

“It’s her team. She bears the responsibility.” I said firmly.

“Right. Okay. I’ll talk to her.”

“Thanks, Lisa.” I was done talking to her. My blood was still boiling. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hung up and drove the rest of the way home. I needed to change my mindset so I could enjoy a surprise evening with Scott.