Page 16 of Feel the Rhythm

She waited a beat, reading my expression. I picked up my glass of orange juice, pretending not to notice.La-di-da, this juice is delicious! Don’t ask why I asked about Scott.

“No. Not even Scott. He was adamant that I not ‘waste my life’ with Lucas. He tried to keep me from talking to my parents at the gala, even though it was clear I had already made my decision.” She paused. “If he wants to apologize, then maybe. I know he has a good heart, but he’s misguided.”

That summed him up well. He did have a great heart. But he unfortunately bought into his parents’ beliefs about success. He was torn between the two worlds and hadn’t figured everything out like Amy had.

I wished I could tell Amy about the conversations Scott and I had, how he was now myfriend(even if I wished we were more). How he asked about her all the time and regretted how he had treated her growing up. How he listened to my problems and tried to help. How he was there for me on those days after the accident, when I told Amy to go find her own path and live her life, but I actually needed someone to support me.

But now wasn’t the time. I didn’t know when it would be, but it wasn’t now.

“I hope you can work it out,” my mom said. “There’s no bond stronger than family. If Scott’s just misguided, then I’m sure you’ll be able to work it out eventually.”

“We’ll see,” Amy said. “Lucas still thinks he’s amazing, but I’m waiting for him to apologize.”

My mom nodded. “I think it will happen. From what I remember, Scott is a little reserved. But he was always sweet and helpful. He does have a good heart.”

“Thank you,” Amy murmured.

“And he’s grown into a handsome man,” my mom added.

I choked on my orange juice. Everyone turned to look at me.

“Wrong pipe,” I croaked.

My mom narrowed her eyes at me, but hope started to build in my heart. I never knew my mom felt that way about Scott (and not just his looks). If Scott and Amy could reconcile, then maybe we could all hang out as one big, happy family.

We finished our breakfast, and Lucas handled the bill. My parents offered to pay for the tip, but I beat them to the punch. We piled into my parents’ van, and Amy squeezed into the back row with me.

“We need to talk,” she hissed at me.

I scrunched my nose at her. She stuck her tongue out at me and then looked at Lucas, waving her hands toward my parents like she was silently commanding him to start up a conversation with my family.

“How’s Alfred?” he asked as my mom started up the van. Lucas was obsessed with our mini goats throughout high school, and Katy was happy to regale him with stories about her pets.

With my family distracted, Amy wasted no time. “You’re hiding something.”

I heaved a sigh. “Yes.”

“What is it?” she pressed.

“I’m not going to tell you.”

She laughed. “Come on. Remember when you confessed to our school that we ditched to go shopping?”

I crossed my arms. “I kept it a secret for at least twelve hours.”

She mock applauded me.

I slouched in my seat. How could I keep a secret from someone who knew me so well? Now I didn’t just have a secret, but Amyknewthat I had a secret. “It’s really complicated. For once, I really do want to keep this to myself. But I promise that I’ll tell you as soon as I can.”

She studied me carefully. “Fine. But I don’t like it.”

Relief washed over me. At least she wasn’t pushing it anymore. “I’m sorry. Trust me. And hey, you know I’m keeping a secret, so that’s a good thing, right?”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “That’s some twisted logic.”

“So you admit it! It’s logical.” I shoved her shoulder and she laughed.

“Just promise you’re being careful.”