“Someone injected you with the drug, and he took you away from the club.”

He widened his eyes and inhaled sharply. “Sully, how long did I go missing?”

“About half an hour. We tracked you down and found you.”

“Enough time for him to…” His face turned pale, and he tugged against my hold.

“He didn’t. I swear to you we got to him before he could.”

“But he was going to.”

I nodded slowly and swallowed. “He was trying to when we found you.”

“Oh, my god.” Kit covered his face with his hand. “Oh, my god.”

A sob tore from him. I dropped his hand, wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him into my chest. “I’m sorry,” I whispered into his hair. “Please forgive me. I’m so sorry I lost sight of you, Kit.”

“It’s not your fault.” He sniffled. “You found me and prevented him from raping me. Is he—will I have to face him or something?”

“He’s dead, Kit. You have to know what he tried to do to you was unforgivable. I only wish I could do it all over again.”

Kit snuggled closer to me as if he wanted to crawl into me. “I just…”

“What is it?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. The doctor said I’ll be fine, so it’s over. I just wish I were home.”

“As soon as you get the clear, baby.”

He loosened his hold on me. “Can you help me to the bathroom, please? My head’s still woozy.”

“Of course.”

I helped Kit from the bed and to the bathroom, with him leaning heavily on me. He shuffled on shaky legs, clutching my arm and holding the IV pole with his other hand. I supported his weight and had to hold his penis for him to pee. He sighed when I settled him back into the bed.

“I want to take a shower, but I have nothing to change into,” he said.

“Liam can bring you some clothes.” I took my phone out of my pocket and tapped Liam’s number.

“Hey, how’s Kit?” he answered.

“Doing better. Listen, do you think you can stop by the house and grab a change of clothing and some toiletries for him?”

“Already done. I’m almost there.”




“I’m glad he’s okay.”

Liam hung up, and I turned to Kit. “Liam’s bringing you some things. Are you hungry? Do you need another pillow? Water?”

Kit smiled at me. “Just you for now. Please don’t leave.”

“I won’t.”