Chapter 28

Everythingthathappenedwas the Grimaldos’ fault and Nolan’s.

Kit’s words had struck a chord, reminding me of the argument I’d had with Liam this morning. Long before anyone else had been up, we’d met up in the garage, where he’d laid into me, telling me how stupid it was for having Javier Grimaldo and his bodyguard/lover/sicario in my home.

“This can’t end well, Sullivan,” he’d grounded out. “They kidnapped Kit. They’re responsible for this mess. Geoff’s still in the hospital. How do you think he’ll feel, waking up knowing that you had the chance to seek revenge for what they’d done to him? Instead, you turned the other cheek and invited them in like a long-lost family.”

“You don’t think I know all that, Liam? I barely got any sleep last night thinking about it, but what could I have done? It’s a different situation when you’re at war with someone, but he’s wounded. What good would it do me now to put a bullet in him? How would I be able to look at myself in the mirror?”

“He’s not the first man you would have killed, Sullivan.”

“But he would be the first one I would have killed, knowing he saved Kit’s life.”

“Kit’s life only needed saving because he kidnapped your boy and almost had him raped and killed. Might I remind you what almost happened to Kit at the club? Javier Grimaldo was behind that as well.”

“You don’t need to remind me, Liam, but it’s not like he acted against us unprovoked. We killed Ivan.”

“Only because the bastard tried to end your life.”

“Sully, are you listening to me?” Kit’s hand on my face, shaking me, brought me out of my thoughts. He frowned. “What are you thinking about?”

I turned my head and kissed the palm of his hand. “That our safest bet right now would be to kill Javier and Talon.”

Kit blinked several times. “Why would you do that?”

I scoffed. “You’re seriously asking me why?”

“Yes. He saved my life. More than once.”

“Which was his fault in the beginning.”

“But the important thing is that he tried to make amends. He set me free and bought us time for you to find me, or things would have turned out differently.”

“The Grimaldos and I are on different sides, Kit.”

“And is there a reason that can’t change? Why must you be enemies? We teamed up together, and everyone walked out alive. That’s some healing shit right there, Sully. That’s what truces are made of.”

“What do you propose I do?”

Kit’s eyes flickered over my features. “If you’re only going to make fun of me, then I’ll stop talking.”

“How am I making fun of you? I’m genuinely asking you for your input.”

He bit his bottom lip and scrunched his eyebrows, then shook his head. “Forget it.”

“No.” I caught his hand. “You wanted a more active role in what Liam and I do. I’m giving you the chance to do so because I value your opinion.”

“You do?”


“Then I think you should allow Talon and Javier to stay here until Javier is strong enough for them to face their demons in a fair fight. No one needs to know they are here. And for us sparing their lives, they agree to not come after us.”

“And what makes you think they’ll honor their agreement?”

“Because Javier is a man of his word.”

I cocked my head. Just what had Kit experienced with Javier for him to be so confident about the man?