He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Don’t tease me.”

“I’m sure those two are already fucking.”

“What?” I made a face at him. “Why’d you say that?”

“Because I saw Liam sneaking into Tack’s room last night.”

“So?” I lifted his hand up to my mouth and took another bite of the donut. “Maybe Tack wanted him to kill a spider or something.”

“In Tack’s mouth?”

I gaped at Sully. “You actually saw them? Kissing? Like Liam’s mouth on Tack’s?”

Sully chuckled. “That’s usually what kissing entails, right?”

“Hmm, I can think of somewhere else I love your lips.” I squirmed on his lap for him to get the point. “But seriously? That happened?”

Sully nodded.

“What the hell are you two whispering about?” Liam asked.

I looked over my shoulder. Everyone was watching me. “Nothing.”

“Didn’t look like nothing to me,” Liam said. “You look excited, Kit.”

I sighed dramatically. “Well, I was trying to keep it private, but I was telling Sully that after three days of going on empty without him, how much I loved the way he fucked me in the shower last night. And how—”

“All right, no more! We get it!” Liam glanced away from me to Tack. “Why do the two of you always gang up on me? Why is it never Sully?”

“Because Sully is scary.” I grinned.

“And you’re such fun to tease,” Tack said.

Oh my god, Liam blushed. Sully was right. How could I have not spotted it before? All the banter, the digs they took at each other were just a cover-up. But why wouldn’t they tell us they were seeing each other? They had to know Sully and I would be happy for them.

Tack’s words swam through my mind. Was Liam the man he’d talked about meeting at the club? Or was he seeing someone else besides Liam? Maybe they hadn’t said anything to us because there was nothing to tell. Sleeping with each other meant nothing. I’d slept with enough men in the past to know that.

“Why the long face?” Sully asked. “Aren’t you going to ask them?”

I shook my head and reached for the fork on Sully’s plate. He brushed my hand aside, scooped up some eggs, and fed me. I swallowed. “I’m not sure if it’s serious enough for us to get involved. Tack and I talked about a guy he was sleeping with, and he insisted it was just sex.”

Like he’d just been using his ex for sex, although the man was downright disgusting. My gaze landed on Liam, who kept looking at Tack, even though the boy was now ignoring him and talking to Song.

Had he always watched Tack that way?

“I should get going.” Liam rose to his feet, frowning when Tack kept talking to Song and didn’t acknowledge him. He turned to Sully. “Call me if you need anything, and be careful with those Grimaldos around. You know my stance already. They shouldn’t be here.”

Liam strode out of the kitchen. Not five minutes later, a phone buzzed. Tack checked his phone. He surged to his feet, his cheeks flushed.

“Why do you look so flustered, Tack?” I asked. “Did someone send you a dick pic for your gallery collection?”

Even though he was a proud size queen whose slogan might as well have been “the bigger, the better,” he didn’t discriminate against men who weren’t that well endowed. In his phone, he had pictures of the dicks of every guy he’d slept with. They varied in color, length, and breadth, so I knew he didn’t sleep with only guys with big dicks.

“Nope, it’s work.” Tack walked over to me, took my face, and kissed my nose. “I’m so glad you’re okay. We’ll go shopping together once your big, strong protector over here determines it’s safe for you to do so.” He patted Sully’s cheek. “Thanks for bringing him home and being an amazing boyfriend to my friend.”

Sully tightened his arms around me as if he could stop someone from taking me away from him at that moment. I stroked the back of his hand to reassure him. I might have been in danger, but it had all worked out in the end.