“Well, whatever it is, I’m glad we walked away unscathed.” I flipped him over, pinned him under me, and slipped down his body.

“Sully, what are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” I pushed my way between his legs and draped them over my shoulders while tilting his hips and worked on drawing the sounds I loved out of him.

After I’d made love to Kit, slow and deep, he fell asleep, snoring in a matter of minutes. Even though it was late, I couldn’t sleep, so I stayed up and watched him, placing light kisses on his shoulder every now and then. Reassuring myself that he was right here, where he belonged. In my bed.

When I was convinced he wasn’t waking up anytime soon, I got out of bed. I brushed a hand along his hip and pulled the sheet up over his body, then got dressed.

Kit had been my top priority. I hadn’t allowed myself to think too much about Javier and whether or not he would pull through and live through his injuries. One of my men was in the hospital because of him. I’d arranged for a doctor who did everything he could. That was more generosity than he had the right to expect from me.

I just don’t want him to die in my house.

As I slipped out of our bedroom, I convinced myself that I only wanted to check up on Javier and Talon. If Javier died in my house, there was no way the Grimaldos would let it go. No one would be left to tell them the truth. That their members had turned against their own and killed him. That I had absolutely nothing to do with it.

I closed the door softly behind me. I turned toward the stairs and halted. Fucking hell. No way.

Liam stood outside Tack’s bedroom door, and he wasn’t arguing with him like he always was when people were around. The boy’s legs were around Liam’s waist, and their lips were locked. They tumbled into the bedroom, closing the door behind them with a slam, too focused on each other to realize they were busted.

That fucking tight-lipped bastard.

This was why he’d been sneaking around? I didn’t believe for one second that they’d started hooking up tonight. The way they’d been kissing didn’t look new.

How many times had Liam said that he was talking to a booty call? I’d never believed him, and I didn’t now either. No way he and Tack were just sex buddies, getting on behind our backs. Why the hell hadn’t they said anything to Kit and me about it? Neither of us would have given a damn if they were sleeping together.

Grinning, I descended the stairs. Kit would have a field day when I told him. He’d been trying to push Tack and Liam together forever. What talented actors they were, pretending to dislike each other when all along they were fooling around.

Downstairs was quiet. The living room had been cleared of all signs of the emergency procedure Dr. Stewart had done earlier. To avoid moving Javier around too much, we’d settled him into my office. When I’d suggested it, Liam had looked at me as if I were crazy, but what else could I do? I kept everything about our business on my computer, so I’d brought it to my bedroom. We had put a bed in the office, and I’d disabled the alarm needed to get inside.

I knocked on the door but didn’t get a response. I cracked the door open and peeked inside. The light was still on, and Talon kept vigil at Javier’s bedside. He raised his head. He looked a mess, with his pale face, bloodshot eyes, and bags under his eyes.

Javier didn’t look any worse than when Doc had left, so that was something.

“How’s he doing?” I asked.

“He needs to go to a hospital,” Talon said.

“He made it clear that he didn’t want to be taken there.”

“So I’m supposed to sit here and watch him die?” He glared at me. “That would give you pleasure, wouldn’t it?”

“Under normal circumstances, that might have been the case, but this isn’t a typical situation, is it? Otherwise, he wouldn’t be under my roof in the first place.” I inhaled deeply. “Yes, Javier kidnapped Kit, but he also took care of him and made sure they didn’t abuse him. He kept Kit alive, and I promised Kit I’d do whatever I could for him not to die. You two have nothing to fear from me or my people until he gets better and you can fix this mess you all created.”

“You won’t take any responsibility for what happened?”

“I simply protected me and mine. How you responded to that is on you.”

Talon took Javier’s hand and brought it up to his cheek. “He can’t die. He can’t leave me.”

Seeing the vulnerability of a worthy foe was one of the toughest things to watch. Talon broke down into tears, clinging tightly to his lover’s hand. I should go, give them some privacy. Did he hate me for witnessing this moment of weakness? Had the situation been reversed, and it had been Kit on that bed, I wouldn’t have given a flying fuck who saw my broken heart.

“Hey.” I walked around the bed and placed a hand on Talon’s shoulder. He stiffened under my touch, but I only tightened my grip. “You haven’t taken a break since we got back. Sitting here at his bedside won’t do you much good. Get something to eat, then come back and take a break. Try to sleep.”

“I can’t leave him. What if he wakes up, and he’s alone?”

“I’ll watch him until you return.”

Talon scoffed. “So you can kill him when I’m not here, like the way you tried to drown me?”