Chapter 25

Myhandrestedon Sully’s thigh as he drove quickly into the night. As soon as we got in the car, he’d taken my hand and placed it there with the instruction I needed to keep it in that position.

He didn’t need to tell me twice. He’d been worried about me, and I’d keep touching him all night if that was what it took to reassure him I was all right. If that was what it took for me to believe I was with him again. That and all the glances I sent his way.

Whispered words came from the back seat. I glanced in the rearview mirror just as Talon kissed Javier’s forehead. The towel he pressed against Javier’s stomach to stanch the flow of blood was soaked red. Worry and fear were pouring off him.

If Javier died, it would devastate him.

Why should I care what happened to him? He was the one who’d pulled me from the car while one of his men shot Geoff. He’d passed me off to another man and shouted at them that they would split up to lose Sully. I’d never known such fear as when I’d looked back and seen Sully following the wrong vehicle.

“How much longer?” Talon rasped. “He’s slipping in and out of consciousness.”

“You need to keep him awake,” Sully said calmly. “We should be there in five. The doctor is already waiting. Now keep the son of a bitch alive so I can knock out two of his teeth for kidnapping Kit.”

“Sully,” I said reproachfully, but warmth flowed through me. Despite his words, here he was transporting the man who was the reason for our headaches to see a doctor. He didn’t have to listen to me and empathize with the two men. He’d been dead set against it even when I’d begged him to reconsider.

Javier needed time to heal before he could confront his family. Leaving him and Talon together in that house would only court disaster for them. As much as Sully insisted Javier had called this down on himself when he kidnapped me, he’d helped Talon settle the man into the car, after taking care of two more of Guillermo’s men who’d been waiting on the first floor.

They never saw their death coming.

I let out a sigh, and tears filled my eyes when the automatic gates parted and Sully pulled up the driveway. We were home. While I was with Javier, I’d resigned myself to never being back here. Never seeing our cats again or making love to Sully in our bedroom. Or anywhere else in the house.

“I’m home,” I whispered.

“That’s right, baby. Right where you belong.”

Sully leaned toward me, but he’d barely brushed his lips over mine when the backdoor flew open.

“I need help,” Talon said, panic in his voice.

Sully released me and got out of the car. “Kit, get the door for us, will you?”

I hopped out of the car, ran up the steps, and unlocked the door. Sully and Talon carried a barely conscious Javier between them, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

Inside, Sully directed Talon to the living room. As soon as we walked in, Dr. Stewart jumped up from the sofa and told the men to lay Javier on the makeshift exam table he’d set up in the corner.


“Thank god, Kit! You’re home!”

Tack and Song rushed toward me, and both slung their arms around me. I teared up. A few months ago, no one would have missed me. Nolan would have just replaced me, but now I not only had Sully but other people who cared about what happened to me.

“I can’t believe Sully’s and Talon’s crazy plot actually worked.” Liam walked up to us and smiled at me. “Welcome home, Kit. Things were definitely not the same without you.”

“Are you saying you missed me, Liam?”

“I’m saying it was a pain being around Sully when you were gone.” But his eyes were misty too as he patted my cheek. “Don’t leave us again. Since you came into our lives, I’ve forgotten how to carry a conversation all by myself.”

“He missed you, of course,” Song said. “He was on the phone every minute, trying to find out where you were. We were all worried about you. Especially me.” Song folded his hands together. “This is all my fault. I should never have called you.”

I touched the side of Song’s face with my hand. “Did they threaten you if you didn’t make the call?”

He nodded. “Nolan said he would beat me every day until I did what he asked.”

“Exactly. You didn’t have a choice, so don’t beat yourself up about it. I’m glad you’re okay, and as you can see, I’m fine. Everything worked out in the end.”

Well, almost. As long as Javier didn’t die. If we saved his life, he owed us. He had to let sleeping dogs lie as far as us killing Ivan was concerned, right? Besides, the other man had been the first to provoke Sully. All we’d done was retaliate.