She said goodbye to her dad and stopped in the kitchen to grab a banana. Carol was sitting at the kitchen table, typing busily on her computer. “Is that your paper about acquired situational narcissism?” Ivy asked.
“No. I tossed that idea. This is so much better.” Ivy leaned closer to read the words on her sister’s computer. Carol snapped her laptop closed. “Hey!”
“Sorry. What are you writing? A tell-all book about me?”
“Ha-ha. Now look who’s getting acquired situational narcissism.”
“I was just kidding.”
“Okay, good. Actually, I’m going to write a book about Griffin and the trauma he faced with his parents. He’s totally on board with the idea. Thinks it could help other child actors with problematic parents.”
“That’s a real thing. Sounds interesting,” Ivy said.
“Griffin sent my article to his agent. She thought it was a book proposal or could be.”
“That’s cool.”
“Then the book department at his agency got excited and they sent it to publishers, and now five places want to buy it. Griffin told me there’s going to be a bidding war. What’s a bidding war?” Carol wondered.
Ivy was shocked. “It means people like your writing. And more than a few companies want to pay to be in business with you. So, this is more than just your thesis?”
“Yes. And it’s a bonus to get a real book published. This will not only help me get my doctorate but also jumpstart my professional life as an expert in childhood traumas.”
“Wow. I haven’t seen you this excited in a long time,” Ivy said. “Congratulations, baby sister.”
“I know we haven’t been that close, but I have to thank you. This all happened because of you. If your movie wasn’t filming in Geneva, I never would have met Griffin, I’d never be writing this book.” Carol hugged her. “So, what do I wear to these meetings?”
“I’ll help you, sis.” Ivy headed out.
She knew that Nick would be on the set that day since they were filming at his winery. It was going to be the perfect opportunity to show him that he meant nothing to her. She hadn’t actually seen him since the morning that she’d woken up in his house, after the Karaoke party. Since then, she’d heard him in Amari’s hotel room. If he wanted to have sex with Amari, then she wasn’t going to let that bother her, or at least that was what she told herself. When and if Ivy could find him, she intended to show Nick that she was moving on and didn’t need him anymore. That was her plan from day one. Who cared if this was day twenty-eight!
But Ivy’s confidence evaporated the moment she left her house. She couldn’t believe that she was still not allowed on the set. It was so embarrassing to her. In fact, she had been too proud to tell her family. They had no idea that she’d been banned. They assumed she was on her way to the production when she left the house. She was on the way to Shepherd Winery to watch the production. But she knew that she’d have to hang outside by the equipment trucks.
Ivy parked far away. She tried sneaking in past the camera trucks to look into the winery window.
“Hey, Ivy,” a voice called out. It was Max, the lead gaffer, securing the lights. Ivy thought she was busted. But Max and the rest of the crew had loved the cookies she had sent over. They thought it was unfair that Amari had banned Ivy. The gaffers and grips didn’t mind if Ivy hung around the outdoor equipment area. In fact, they seemed to like having her around. Seasoned and professional, they had collectively worked on over a hundred movies. They liked to kid her about this being her first movie. They also shared food with her since they knew she wasn’t allowed around the craft services table. As long as Amari didn’t see her, it wasn’t a problem.
The guys pretended not to notice her sad face. They knew that they were filming at her ex-boyfriend’s vineyard on that day. Max set up a folding chair for her and handed her a muffin. Pete, another gaffer, had recently become a bird-watcher. He handed his new binoculars to Ivy when she was seated comfortably and eating her muffin. “What are these for?” Ivy asked.
“Bird-watching. I’m a new aficionado.”
“That’s cool.”
“Did you know that over three hundred species of birds have been recorded here? Bald eagles, ospreys, black terns, great blue herons, American and least bitterns.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I just bought these binoculars so I can spot them. I found this place called Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge ten minutes from here. I’m going to check it out after we wrap. Maybe spend a few extra days.”
“Pete, we need you on the set,” Max called over to him. “Sorry, Ivy.”
“Sure. Here, Ivy. Take a look. See if you can find a bald eagle. Upstate is such a great place to bird-watch.” Pete handed Ivy the binoculars and walked toward the winery. Ivy lifted them to her face, but instead of looking into the trees for birds, she used them to look into the winery, through the windows, where the filming was taking place.
Ivy noticed Nick at the bar. Amari was flirting with him.Of course.Ivy watched from afar as he reached up to the top shelf above the bar and took down a dusty bottle of wine. He turned the label, and she was able to read it:Poison Ivy. Ivy frowned. Nick tilted the bottle and shook out a small object into his palm. Ivy squinted to see what it was. Adjusted the binoculars. Amari tapped Nick on the arm playfully. He laughed as he opened up his palm. Ivy suddenly realized it was a ring! It sparkled and momentarily blinded her.
Nick lifted up the ring. She noticed that Amari leaned over and smiled. He grinned back at her. He put the shiny object in her hand. Ivy sharpened the focus of the binoculars to look closer. She frowned.Is that an engagement ring?