
“Three cosmos, barkeep,” Griffin ordered. The barkeep was none other than Bruce Danton, the assistant director. “Bruce!” Griffin called out, “very happy to see you.”

“Hey, Griffin. Nice to see you,” Bruce said as he shook a cocktail. “I saw the bartender was backed up, so I jumped in. Bartending got me through film school.” Bruce went off to make another drink. Griffin totally forgot about the cosmos. And Ivy. And Nick. And Amari as he grabbed an apron and started to help out behind the bar.


Meanwhile over in their favorite booth, Nick shifted in the corner. But he knew that he was trapped. Amari was in embarrassment mode, revealing, “When we hung out in LA, Ivy, you never mentioned you had left this stud muffin back here.” Ivy didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t. “I mean, wow. Look at those muscles.”

Nick was totally uneasy, looking for an escape. “How about I go grab us some drinks?”

“Great idea, Nicky,” Amari said, adding in her coy voice, “You know what I like. Get us our favorite.”

Nick left. Ivy and Amari stared at each other. Ivy offered, “You two have a favorite drink?”

“Nick and I have a lot of favorite things,” Amari replied.

Ivy wasn’t buying it.

“I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true.”

“We’ll see.” A waiter was passing. Ivy stopped him. “Give us a bottle of Jack. And ten shot glasses.” The waiter rushed off. Ivy looked across at Amari. “How about a little truth or dare? Upstate New York style. Tell the truth, or take a shot.”


“Film is always like a family to me. I did TV for a while. Never liked it,” Bruce told Griffin. “I like film better. It’s like a family coming together. TV production is so impersonal. People work. Go home. Very nine to five.”

“I feel the same way, Bruce.”

“But then the film family breaks up. And you may never see these people again. It’s sad. Where are you going when this one ends?”

“Who knows,” Griffin said. “Where are you going?”

They were interrupted by Nick’s arrival at the crowded bar as he announced, “I need a drink.” Bruce offered him a cosmo. Nick waved it off. “Give me a shot of Jack Daniel’s.”

Bruce smiled. “Your girlfriends just took the last bottle.”

Girlfriends? Huh? What? Nick’s attention snapped back to the booth where he could see Ivy and Amari talking and knocking back shots. What were they doing?

Bruce stepped in. “I gotta stop this before it gets out of control.”


Ivy and Amari were three shots into the truth or dare game, and no one had told the truth. Amari downed a shot. “Truth or dare. You wrote this script so you could bring closure to your life.”

Ivy took a shot. Even though that might have been the truth. She would rather drink a shot than reveal that to Amari.

It was Ivy’s turn: “You are falling for Nick.” Amari didn’t answer. She opted for the shot. They were both getting a little drunk.

Bruce arrived at the table. “Sorry to interrupt, but I thought it would be great if Amari could maybe sing a song for the bar.”

Ivy slurred, “What a great idea!” She stood up in the booth. “Hey, everyone, good news! Our great Amari has offered so generously to pick up the bar tab!”

The crowd roared. Amari stumbled up, climbed up on the table and waved. “My pleasure.” She took a bow and almost fell off the table.

“And she’s going to sing a song! A Christmas song!” More cheers.