“Is that a thing?”

“I just made it up.”

“Sounds like it.” Ivy and Griffin laughed.

Drew was busy with Vera looking at the shot list, but everyone else on the crew suddenly noticed Ivy. The sound guy, the script supervisor, the lighting crew, and even the grips all complimented her. Ivy wondered if this was what it felt like to be Amari. She always looked beautiful like this.

At that moment, Amari looked over. She got out of her seat and walked over to Ivy.

“Why are you dressing like this?”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking of doing, but don’t.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”But maybe I do,she thought. Ivy wasn’t certain, but she thought that perhaps Amari looked threatened. That’s when she realized that Amari always had to be the most beautiful person in the room, and Ivy had no idea that since she’d had her makeover, she was suddenly perhaps more beautiful than Amari.

“Nice dress. They wanted me to wear it, but I didn’t like it.”What a bitch,Ivy thought.She didn’t need to be so nasty.

Before Ivy could say something out loud that was truly mean, Vera saved her as she called Amari to the set. Amari left, but Ivy wasn’t alone for long. Two cute prop guys started orbiting her like she was the star. They complimented her on the script and her outfit. They wanted to know what she was doing that night. Drew wondered what all the commotion was, and he looked up to see Ivy. He was thunderstruck.Is that Ivy? She’s gorgeous.Drew immediately left the video village to walk over to Ivy. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Ivy, you look great.”

“Thanks, Drew.”

“I forgot to tell you before”—Before, when you weren’t talking to me,Ivy thought—“that I’m going down to New York on Friday afternoon. I have a meeting onCaptain Midnight.”

“Is that moving forward?” Ivy said, genuinely excited for him.

“I got some traction. Ryan Gosling is interested in playing Captain Midnight. His agent says he wants to try his hand at the superhero thing.”

“Wow. That’s great news.”

“And the exec said they’re looking for a writer to do a character polish for Ryan. I’m going to put in a plug for you.” Drew smiled.

Ivy brightened. “That’s so nice of you, Drew.”

“We make a good team. Maybe you could stop by my hotel room to pick up the script.”

“Couldn’t you just email me?”

“No, Ivy. It’s top secret. Every copy is watermarked. Better if you read it in my room.”

Ivy suddenly felt uncomfortable. She realized that doing a rewrite might have strings attached. What if she broke up with Drew? Would he withdraw the offer? Or what if she kept dating him? Would everyone assume she got the rewrite job because she was sleeping with him? She sighed. It was too complicated.

Vera yelled out from across the way, “Has anyone seen our producer?” She knew exactly where Drew was, but she wanted him to get back to work.

“Duty calls,” he said as he flashed his perfect smile. “See you later?”

“Maybe,” Ivy said. She loved being in the power position for once. It wasn’t a place that writers usually found themselves.

Ivy wandered over to the craft services area for a drink. Her back was to the set as she reached for a bottle of water.

“About the other day,” said a deep voice. Ivy’s eyes grew wide. She recognized that voice. She swiveled around.


“Ivy! Sorry. I thought you were Amari. You look amazing.” Nick looked caught off guard.