Chapter 8

It seemed like all anyone in Geneva wanted to talk about was the movie. The one person who did not want to talk about the movie was Nick. The customers who were at Shepherd Winery for lunch chatted away about the coming production. Nick had to pour, smile, nod, and listen to the movie talk.

“I hear they get a forty percent tax break for filming in Upstate New York,” someone said.

Nick didn’t like that. Why should his taxes help pay for a movie?Especially hers,he thought.

“Yeah, but they’re going to spend a lot of money when they’re in town. We’re all still coming back from Covid. This Hollywood money goes a long way,” Nick heard another local at the bar chime in. Nick realized that Shepherd’s was more crowded than usual for a Tuesday. There were a few locals like Yes Indeed Ed, the local car salesman.Can you get a good price from Ed? Yes indeed.Ed was a local celebrity. He had car dealerships all around the Finger Lakes and spoke in an over-the-top voice.

“Ed, they should put you in that movie,” someone yelled.

“Yes indeed!” Everyone laughed. Ed turned to Nick. “This is going to put Geneva on the map, Nick.” Nick remembered that the customer was always right and didn’t want to tell Yes Indeed Ed that Geneva was already on the map. “Isn’t it great, Nick?”

“It’s just a movie, Ed. Don’t want these slick film people to come in and put one over on us. Breaking things, ruining people’s lives, then running and hiding in LA.” Was he talking about the film or Ivy? Nick said that a little too loudly. The patrons at the bar all stopped to look at him. “Enjoying the Poison Ivy?” he offered to the bar and got a lot of nods. Yes, Nick was acting weird and even he knew it.Why?he thought.Why am I angry? Jealous?This was all Ivy’s fault, he wanted to scream to the crowded tasting room with packed lunch tables. He didn’t have a moment to enjoy his day—this was supposed to be his time to shine. He had won wine of the year! There were banners in front. But all he could hear was the movie talk.

“I heard they might be filming at the Presbyterian church up on Main,” someone else said. Of course they would. It was Nick and Ivy’s church…where their story began. Ivy did this. She wrote that story. He had a suspicion it was their story. Now she came back to town to throw it in his face. Why couldn’t she have filmed the movie somewhere else in Upstate New York? It’s a big state.She did this on purpose,thought Nick, not knowing much about the movies.Just like her to upstage me,he thought.I had a plan for us, but she had a different one for herself.Nick glanced at the Governor’s Cup. He was in need of a good mood boost.

“You’re the owner?” a thirty-ish man asked Nick. The guy was dressed casually, but expensive casual. He seemed like he was from out of town.

“I am. Is there a problem?” Nick asked.

“Not at all. Just want to say this is one of the best-looking wineries I have ever been in. And I’ve been to a lot lately.”

“Thank you.”

“See you soon,” the guy said as he and his group headed out the door.Oh, good, they’re coming back,Nick thought. He went to clear the table when Claire, one of his regular waitresses, beat him to the table and snatched the fifty dollars.

“No, that’s mine.”

“Isn’t that for the bill?” Nick asked.

“They paid with a card. This tip is mine.”

“A fifty-dollar tip? How much did they spend?” He was incredulous.

“One hundred bucks tops. I love these film people,” Claire said as she tucked away her tip.

So that explained the extra people.Fine,Nick thought.Maybe it won’t be that bad after all.Like everyone else, his business had taken a hit during the pandemic. If this movie brought income, fine, so be it. He would stay in the bar, pour wine, and not once go near the movie production. That was his plan, which quickly ended as a lot of things do—with thebeepof a text message. It was from Kenny.LOOK WHO’S BACK IN TOWN.

Nick waited for the pic to follow. The first picture came… It was someone’s arm wearing a white blouse. From far away. Out of focus. Kenny was never going to be a spy. Another picture: this one of Kenny unaware he was taking a camera shot of himself. Then there was a third photo. A familiar woman with long blond hair getting into a car. Ivy never had long blond hair. Maybe she’d grown it out.Is that Ivy?There was another shot of the blond driving away in a rented convertible. And he saw that it was her. More texts flooded in from other friends.Ivy’s at the bookstore. Ivy’s at the flower shop. Ivy’s at the Belhurst. Ivy and some guy—this was the one that got to Nick. It was the first time he saw Drew—tall and out of focus. Were they a couple? They looked like a couple.

Joe Buff, Nick’s high school rival, now a local cop, chimed in with the clearest pic of Ivy and texted to Nick:IS SHE SINGLE?Joe Buff had always had a crush on Ivy. There was one time, and one time only, that Nick and Ivy had broken up in high school. Nick couldn’t remember what had happened to cause the breakup, but he remembered Ivy had gone on one date with Joe Buff. To their favorite ice cream place. Nick had worked there during the off-season so he could save some money to buy his dream Silverado truck. What wasn’t a dream was when Joe Buff had walked into the ice cream store with Ivy. Nick then had to scoop and serve them both. There were cordial hellos and goodbyes and the gross image of Joe Buff licking away at the cone in some weird attempt to make Nick jealous. He had quit that job the next day. It would take him a week to win Ivy back, who admitted she had only gone out with Joe Buff to make Nick jealous.

Now, Nick was way past all those high school mind games. But then—he saw the last photo, through the window of the ice cream shop, where Ivy was licking Drew’s cone. Nick turned off his phone. He took a deep breath.

“Hey, Nick,” Claire called out, “your sister’s on the phone.”

He took the phone from her and without even listening said, “Yeah, yeah, Denise. I know. Ivy’s back in town. The whole world is letting me know that she is licking some dude’s cone.”

“As usual, baby bro, I have no idea what you are talking about. But I think you should come over to the high school. I have to show you something.”

“I’ll be right there.” Anything Denise asked him to do, Nick would do. No questions asked. He hopped in his truck and headed to the high school.

Denise had returned to Geneva to teach high school a few years ago. She was an arts education major and taught English and drama and worked on the school play each year. Kenny, who was Nick’s age, had always had a crush on Denise. And they always got along and fit well together. Nick, Kenny, and Denise would often hang out together. One night, when Nick had been ill, Kenny and Denise went off to Canandaigua to see the rock band Journey. They had gone as friends and had returned home as a couple, hand in hand, singing “Faithfully.” They had married at the winery last year.

Now Denise was turning thirty.Maybe she’s pregnant,Nick thought. He knew they had been trying but no luck so far. Maybe that was why she was calling. That would be so great. It would be the good news he needed to hear today.

Nick parked in the principal’s spot. He used to do that in high school and always got in trouble. He walked in the main entrance and toward the auditorium. Wow, school tax rates must’ve been higher. The school looked great. The expansive lobby had dozens of lockers next to large glass cabinets filled with memorabilia from Geneva High. He saw Joe Buff’s high school jersey. Buff had led the school to the regionals and had blown out his knee. There were other faces he remembered. His eyes came upon a photo from his senior prom. Nick and Ivy were of course the king and queen. The couple everyone admired. Nick smiled as he remembered that night. The after-party was at Morrison’s lake house, the lake house where everyone hung out. The one with the pier, the boats, and the extra bedrooms upstairs where he and Ivy did absolutely nothing because she’d gotten her period.