Chapter 31

The wrap party was at Shepherd Winery. The place was filled with love and laughter. Ivy and Nick arrived a little late as they had spent a few hours catching up. When they walked into the winery everyone cheered with full glasses of Poison Ivy.

Amari toasted them: “To the Christmas couple.”

Ivy and Nick smiled at each other, loving their new nickname, loving each other even more.

“I’m so happy it worked out for you two,” Amari said, hugging them both.

Ivy noted, “You’re wearing the friendship bracelet. So am I!” They squealed and hugged. “Amari?”

“What is it, Ivy?”

“You said you knew my secret. What is it?”

“That you never stopped loving Nick.”

Ivy nodded. She was right. Nick came over. Amari pinched him on the butt. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” She still loved teasing Nick, and Ivy didn’t care. She laughed. She loved seeing Nick get embarrassed so easily.

Frannie saw them and rushed over. She hugged Ivy. “You’ve made me so happy. I missed you so much, Ivy.”

“So did I, Frannie.”

“What? I don’t get a hug?” Nick asked playfully.

“Of course you do,” J. B. said, hugging him and kissing him on both cheeks.

Not to be left out of the family reunion, Ivy’s parents hugged Nick and Frannie. Linda wanted to go out to lunch with Frannie next week.

“As much as I would love to catch up,” Frannie said, “I’m moving to France tomorrow with J. B.” J. B. was brought into the circle, meeting Ivy’s parents. Frannie pulled Nick to the side. “Nick, you’re not going to believe this, but I sold the house.”


“Cash offer.”

“From whom?”

“From us!” Griffin yelled, coming over with Bruce. “We bought it.”

“And the movie theater too!” Bruce added.

Griffin and Bruce filled everyone in on their plans. Geneva would become their hideaway. The place was so down to earth. As they talked with Ivy, Nick excused himself. He saw someone he recognized standing in the corner. It was his dad!

“Mom,” Nick whispered to Frannie. “Do you see that guy?”

“That’s Trevor.”


“One of the extras.”

“Doesn’t he look like Dad to you?”

“A little.”

Nick walked up to Trevor, who smiled awkwardly. “Hi there.” Nick reached behind the bar and pulled out the New York Mets hat. “I think you left this here.”

“Thanks, I was looking for that. Do you remember me?”