“Really?” Nick played dumb.

Ivy playfully slapped him on the arm. “You knew.”

They both laughed. The mood was light again.

“That dress really does look amazing on you.” Nick smiled. Ivy blushed. She wondered if he was checking her out. “I’m really not bringing my A-game here.” He laughed as he pointed to his jeans and T-shirt. “But I’m going to change that,” Nick said as he strolled over to a wardrobe rack at the edge of the gym. A variety of men’s sports jackets hung on the rack, ready for the extras who would show up for the scene later.

Ivy smiled as she watched Nick try on a gold sparkly jacket. “What about this?” He began singing the Elvis Christmas classic “Blue Christmas.” Ivy watched as Nick crooned to her. He took off the gold jacket.

Ivy just laughed. “You’re right—too Elvis.”

Then Nick tried on a red jacket. “I like this.”

“Ho, ho, ho!” Ivy chuckled, and Nick rubbed his belly. Although she noticed that his six-pack could never become a belly. She tried not to check out his physique. But he did look hot.

“Right. Too much Santa.” Nick took off the red jacket and rummaged through the other jackets until he paused at a black velvet one. He put it on and posed for Ivy.

“Perfect,” Ivy purred.Did I really just purr?Ivy told herself to get it together. “You look great.”

“Thanks.” Nick was swiping through his phone. Searching for something. Then he smiled. And moments later, Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” blasted from Nick’s phone. Ivy’s eyes lit up. She remembered watchingLove Actuallywith Nick every Christmas, and the song had been the centerpiece of the movie. She loved that song.

She twirled around in the sexy red Christmas dress.

Nick held out his hand. “Can I have this dance?”

Ivy giggled.Really? Is this actually happening?“Of course.”

“Your dress is amazing,” Nick said for the second time. “Feels like we’re actually at the dance.” He twirled her and dipped her. Ivy was giddy. They continued to dance. They matched each other’s steps perfectly. Ivy’s smile could have been seen from space, it was that big. Nick was beaming too. She sang along with the chorus. He continued to smile as she sang to him. As the song ended, they were both out of breath.

“Let’s see what else I have.” Nick scrolled through his music. “Yes. I remember you liked this one.”

“Oh, let me see.”

“Wait for it.” Nick laughed and turned away with his phone. “Where Are You Christmas?” fromHow the Grinch Stole Christmasemanated from Nick’s phone. It was a slow song. Contemplative.

Nick put his arms around her.

Ivy laughed. “Are we really slow dancing?”

Nick laughed too. “This is nice. You know I’m really happy that your script is getting made into a movie.”

“I guess I should give you some credit. If you hadn’t cheated and broken up with me, I never would have written the script.”

Nick’s smile faded quickly. He wondered,Should I tell her the truth?“I’m sorry, Ivy. But I’m happy that all your dreams are coming true.”

Ivy wasn’t sure ifallher dreams were coming true or not. But she decided to keep that to herself. “It’s been nice to be back home. Your mom seems great.”

“Yeah. I guess I have you to thank for that. If your movie wasn’t filming here, she never would have met J. B.”

“I love that.”

“He’s the first guy that she’s fallen for since my dad died.”

“Really sorry I wasn’t here for his funeral. But I didn’t know about it until a month later.”

“It happened kind of suddenly. He always liked you, Ivy. Was really mad when we broke up.” Nick cursed himself for bringing up bad memories.

“I liked your dad. He would have been so proud of you. Of all you’ve accomplished.”