“I still can’t believe you killed me off in the movie. I thought rom-coms were supposed to end happily.”

“It’s not a rom-com. It’s a romance. Characters can die in a romance.”

“That never made sense to me. Seems like you’re cheating the audience to kill someone after they’ve met the love of their life,” Nick commented.

“Losing someone makes people feel the love more profoundly. It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

“You don’t really believe that, do you?”

“I do.”

“What if the love of their life does something awful to them?” Nick asked.

“Sometimes good people do mean things. There’s usually a motivation.”

“That makes me feel better to hear you say that.” Nick smiled. “Because I—I…” Nick stopped. His mind flashedRed alert!He didn’t want to relive the past.

“You know this movie is only loosely based on us, right? When I killed off the character that is”—using air quotes—“looselybased on you, I did it to create more drama. I didn’t want the script to get labeled as cute or cheesy, which is what can happen with a rom-com.”

“And maybe you were also a little bit mad at me?”

Ivy paused for a moment before she finally admitted, “Maybe.” She smiled at Nick.

“I guess I don’t blame you. But crashing my snowmobile into the ice? That’s just cold. Literally.” But Nick didn’t look mad. “Besides, I don’t even own a snowmobile.”

“Like I said, loosely based on us.” Ivy smiled. “Come on, let’s go to the gym. Check out the winter ball.”

“But I’m so underdressed.”

“Oh, you’re fine!”

As they walked through the hallway, Ivy’s hand accidentally brushed against Nick’s fingers. She wanted to take his hand and hold it. As if they were actually going to the winter ball together. In the hallway there was a table with a pile of unwrapped gifts. Handmade signs on large craft paper were painted with the wordsTOYS FOR TOTS. DONATE HERE.Nick stopped in front of them. “I remember when you organized a toy fair like this. We all had to bring an unwrapped toy in order to gain entrance to the winter ball.”

“It was part of my Girl Scout Gold Award. I wanted to help the families who couldn’t afford gifts.”

Nick smiled. He gestured to this pile of gifts. “So is this real or fake?”

“The toys are real. The drive is fake. But I’m sure the production office will donate them to a hospital when the filming is done.”

“You’re such a good person, Ivy.”

“Don’t give me so much credit. I’m sure I only did it for the award.”

“Nah. There were too many other times when you did things for no reason except to be kind. Like gathering everyone to sing Christmas carols at the senior center or shoveling snow for shut-ins or organizing a free nighttime babysitting event so young parents could go on a date without their kids.” Ivy smiled at the memories. In truth, she’d forgotten about all those things that she’d done in high school. “You really are something, you know that? You didn’t deserve what I did to you.”

Ivy looked away, trying to hide her feelings. But she said softly, “Thanks.” She pushed open the gym doors to reveal a sparkly winter wonderland. Large white paper snowflakes shimmered from the ceiling. Ivy switched on the disco ball, and lights began to swirl around the room. A table was set up for a punch bowl and cookies.

Nick strolled over to the punch bowl and looked inside. No liquid.

Ivy pretended to scoop out a glass of punch for him. “Some punch for you, young man?” She said this in her best English accent, and they both cracked up. Mrs. Gilbert had been a permanent fixture at all their dances as she always claimed to enjoy being a chaperone. She’d also kept a close eye on the punchbowl.

“Remember when I snuck in that rum and added it to the punch?” Nick’s eyes twinkled. Ivy nodded. She’d heard the story about a million times, but for once she didn’t mind hearing it again. She smiled at Nick and encouraged him to continue. “I got the idea fromThe Godfather. When Michael hides his gun in the bathroom of the restaurant. Remember your dad made us watch that? Your dad is so awesome.”

“We were so freaked out about the horse head in the bed.” Ivy laughed.

“After soccer practice, I went to the bathroom and hid the vodka up above the ceiling tiles. During the dance I went and got it and slipped it into my suit jacket. I passed it to Steven, and he poured it into the bowl while I distracted Mrs. Gilbert.”

“You were such a flirt. Mrs. Gilbert always did have a crush on you.”