Page 64 of Listen to Me

Her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller’s name on her phone.Revere Police Dept.

“Detective Rizzoli,” she answered.

“This is Detective Saldana, Revere PD.”

“Hey. What can I do for you?”

“You can start by talking to your mother, Angela.”

Jane sighed. “Now what’s she done?”

“Look, I understand it all started off as well-intentioned, all her calls about Tricia Talley. Who, by the way, turns out to be alive and well. It was just a typical teenage blowup with her parents.”

“I’m sorry about those calls. When my mom gets an idea in her head, she runs with it. And runs.”And runs.

“That was fine. That was just neighborhood watch sort of stuff, and we appreciate her keeping us informed. But this is going too far. She’s gotta stop calling us about her neighbors.”

“Is this the couple across the street?”


“She told me the man carries a concealed weapon. I haven’t had a chance to check on his CCW permit, but—”

“Don’t bother. Just tell her to stop calling about them.”

“Have they complained?”

“They’re well aware of her interest in them.”

“Is this, like, an impending restraining order?”

“She has to stop drawing attention to them. It’s important, so have that talk with her. I’d appreciate it.”

Jane paused, puzzled by what was being left out. She said, quietly: “You want to tell me what’s going on with those neighbors?”

“Not at this time.”

“When, then?”

“I’ll let you know,” Det. Saldana said and hung up.