Page 30 of Listen to Me

“She asked me to tell you to call back.” He winced at Jane’s annoying ringtone. “Why don’t you answer it? She’s just gonna call again.”

Jane sighed and picked up her phone. “Hey, Ma.”

“Why is it always so hard to reach you?”

“I’m working.”

“The same case?”

“It’s not like on TV. We don’t wrap things up in an hour.”

“ ’Cause this situation here in the neighborhood could use your attention.”

“There is no situation in your neighborhood. You told me Tricia texted her dad and she’s okay.”

“I’m not convincedthatparticular situation has been resolved. And now I’m dealing with a completelynewmatter.”

Jane looked at Frost and mouthed the wordssave me.

“I just think I have a right to know if I’m in a dangerous position here,” said Angela. “They’re right across the street. Who knows if this could turn into another Waco or something?”

“Is this about the new people again?”


“Why don’t you call Revere PD? It’s their jurisdiction.”

“But I don’t have a daughter in Revere PD.”

“How about calling Vince? He’ll know what to do.”And he’ll never forgive me for suggesting it.

“Vince can’t do anything. He’s still in California.”

“But he was a cop. He has instincts.”

“He doesn’t have access to a weapons database.”

Jane paused. “Weapons? What weapons?”

“To start with, that gun Matthew Green’s hiding under his shirt. A handgun. It looks just like the one Vince used to carry.”

“A Glock?”

“It could be. It sure wasn’t some old-fashioned revolver.”

“How do you happen to know that?”

“I was looking over Jonas’s fence, trying to find out what the hammering and drilling’s all about. And you know what I saw? That Green fellow’s installing bars over all his windows. It’s like he’s turning the house into some high-security prison. So I’m watching him and he bends over and there it is, on his belt. A gun. A Glock, maybe. You’re always telling me how strict the state of Massachusetts is with this kind of thing. Why would that man be carrying a concealed weapon?”

For a moment, Jane didn’t say anything. There were any number of legitimate reasons why a man might carry a concealed weapon. Maybe he was in law enforcement. Maybe he was military. Maybe he was a law-abiding citizen who just liked knowing he could protect his castle.

“There might be other guns on the property,” said Angela. “That house has a full basement. There’s room enough down there to store bazookas.”

“Okay, okay,” Jane said. “I’ll see if Matthew Green has a permit to carry.”

“Good. We’ll talk about it when you all come over for dinner. Maura’s going to ask her friend Daniel, and the butcher’s got a nice leg of lamb on order for me.”
