She looked at the cane he had resting on the chair arm. “You have problems with your legs Mr. Doss?” He rubbed his knee and nodded.

“Been giving me hell for near ten years now give or take. The doctor said a nice walk every so often helps, keeps it from seizing up on me.”

“And do you walk there every morning?”

“Just about.”

“Do you always take the same path?” He nodded his head as she took down notes. Adding up the time in her head. With his bum knee she figured it would’ve taken him some time to get over the incline and then into the woods.

“Which side did you come in on?” He gave her the location and she figured she might not be able to get the time exact, but at least she was close enough and his answers jived with what the coroner had said.

“And did you touch the body?”

“Well, I was trying to get her face out of the water there because it looked like she’d knocked herself plumb out, so I poked her with my cane when she didn’t answer.” He swallowed hard and his hands started to tremble as he remembered what he’d seen.

“And then I saw…what happened to that poor woman? It is a woman isn’t it?” Just then Ms. Cline entered the parlor with a tray laden with a pitcher of lemonade, three glasses and a plate of freshly baked cookies.

“How about some nice ice cold lemonade?”

“None for me thanks.” Detective Sparks refused. Officer Bailey who had stood quietly by looked at the condensation on the glass jug and swallowed deeply. “I wouldn’t mind a glass of that.”

She poured him a glass and one for Barney as well and passed out little saucers of cookies. Detective Sparks waited until the room was clear again to continue her questioning, but it didn’t take long to figure out she’d gotten all she was going to out of the old man.

“Thank you very much Mr. Doss, if you remember anything else please give me a call. Do you need a lift back to your home?”

“I’d be much obliged young lady.” He placed his half empty glass on the side table and wrapped the cookies in a napkin, stuffing them in his pocket.

Officer Bailey wolfed his last one down and emptied his glass while Detective Sparks shook her head. He has the eating habits of a five year old.

“What? I haven’t eaten since that egg and cheese sandwich at the station this morning and that was hours ago.”

Detective Sparks walked towards the door hurriedly, now in a rush to get away since her job here was done. She’d forgotten about the O’Rourkes while questioning the old man but now she wanted to be gone from her as soon as possible.

She dropped old Mr. Doss off at his door and waited until the old guy made it inside. She’d already put in a full day’s work but it was still far from over. Now comes the hard part she thought. Telling the husband that his wife wouldn’t be coming home again ever.