What Gloria said took a few seconds to hit me. Kael had been reprimanded and humiliated, publicly, at work, but wasn’t going for my brother’s throat? I guess no one was immune to Austin’s charm. I was used to seeing women, even myself, hover over him and contort themselves to accommodate his varied behaviors and volatile personalities—outwardly strong, yet sometimes extremely fragile.

“I knowwwww,” Austin whined, and ran his hands through his messy hair. “I’m sorry, truly. I’m not going near that girl again,” he promised all of us. When his eyes landed on me, I mentally cussed him out in hopes that the whole twin-telepathy thing would work.

“You better. Are you coming over to grill with us?” Gloria asked Austin.

“Hell, yeah,” he responded without hesitation.

“You can come, too.” Gloria was looking at me. “We’re going to chill at our house, if you want to join us.”

It felt nice to be included, but I really didn’t want to be around anyone other than Kael today. I didn’t know how to respond in a way that wasn’t rude. I wanted to keep open the chance of being invited again. My brain was failing me, not coming up with the words fast enough, when Kael spoke. He was answering Gloria, but his eyes were on me.

“Actually, we have plans. And we can’t move them.” He shrugged and looked at her.

“Next time, then.” Thankfully, Gloria’s smile was just as warm as it was when she arrived.

I nodded to Gloria, tentatively accepting her future invite.

I would be sure to thank Kael for saving me from my own social awkwardness when they left. Honestly, I wanted them all to leave, even adorable little Julien. I wanted to be alone with Kael.