“Thank you.” Ismiled for the first time in two days. “When can we go?”

“Tomorrow. Iwant to hold on to my roomie alittle while longer. Anyway, remember the two somethings?” Her eyes glinted with mischief. “The same friend told me she had someone she wants to set me up on adate with. And Imight’ve told him to bring afriend.”

“What?” Ipaused mid-step and turned to face her. “We talked about this, like, yesterday, when Itold you I’mnot interested in dating anyone for the foreseeable future. Remember?”

“Chill, dude.” She patted my arm and smiled. “You’re not committing to anything. And they’re hot; want to see them?”

My scowl remained in its place.

“Iguess not.” She chuckled, not fazed by my stare. “Hear me out. You can’tgive up on love.”

“Ijust don’tknow if Ibelieve in it anymore.” Isighed, tugging on her shoulder to keep going.

“The couples Iphotograph have it, and it looks real to me.”

Laura had been an assistant for awedding photographer since our senior year, and had started her own business recently. She saw so many weddings and Ithink the happiness of the event confused her with the unhappy endings that followed. After all, no one hired adivorce photographer.

“It’sreal for fifty percent of us, and even then, you can’ttell if they’re happy or not. I’ll stick to loving myself.”

“Stop being such acynic. True love exists.”

“Yippie and yay for those who find it. Not me.” Iswallowed around the lump in my throat when memories of Greg and our fucked-up relationship floated to the surface.

“I’mso sorry, Er.”

Iblinked and put some distance between us. Ididn’twant anyone’spity, not even Laura’s. “After the way my dad treated Mom and me, you’dthink Iwouldn’twalk right into aperson like Greg’sarms.”

“Tonight won’tbe anything like adate, Ipromise. You won’thave to do anything you’re not comfortable with, and I’ll be there with you the entire time.”

“Okay, I’ll come.” My anxiety withered with her hopeful expression. “If the other guy tries anything with me, anything at all, we’re gone. Ugh, Ineed to drink to make this week go away.” Icouldn’tbelieve Iwas propelled to do one of the things Ihated Greg for, even if Ineeded to forget. And Ineeded it desperately.

“Fair enough.” She kissed my cheek, squeezing me as tight as she could. “Ipromise you, you’ll have the best time.”

“When don’twe have the best time?” Ismiled as we walked together and hugged on the street.

“That’sthe spirit,” she repeated, and we laughed all the way to the bar.