Just as Iwas about to doze off, Zach used his key to enter the house, flipping on the light switches. “Why’sthe light off? You fell asleep?”
My eyes, sensitive to the sudden light, closed instinctively. Iheard bottles clink together as he pulled them out of the fridge, then the light hissing sound of abeer bottle being opened.
Afew short steps later he plopped down on the sofa with me, handing me abottle. “Want to eat something?”
“Not particularly.” Iaccepted the bottle from him, the cold liquid quickly going down my parched throat. Ifelt the alcohol’seffect after not putting anything in my stomach for hours.
“Ican’tlet you starve yourself.” He tapped on his phone without waiting for my response. “Two large pizzas coming right up.”
His smile and laid-back attitude rubbed off on me. “Thanks for the continuous effort to clog up my arteries.”
“You bet.” He chugged down his beer and winked. “Besides, if you didn’tgive yourself aheart attack last night, Idoubt eating apie will.”
“Don’tremind me.” Igroaned, rubbing my eyes with the back of my palms. “And please don’ttell me you’re here for alecture, I’maware of and regret what Idid.”
He shrugged off my comment. “Nah, not here for that. I’dhave done the same. Atoned-down version of it, maybe apunch or two instead of ahundred.”
Iside-eyed him, grateful for not pushing it. “Iprobably should’ve, you’re right, but when you find someone you love as much as Ido Erin, you’ll understand. Again, not justifying it.”
“One day.” He set his beer on the table and clasped his hands together. “Iget the admiration. How she put herself between you and Oliver like that, and she’sso small.”
My gaze lowered to the floor, silent, ashamed of pushing her away in my fit of rage, of not seeing her. The beer turned stale in my mouth, and Iplaced it next to Zach’s.
“Speaking of which, have you talked to her?” He scrunched his lips, not looking too hopeful.
“She emailed me, asking to work from home for the rest of the semester.” Isighed, massaging my temples. My head, my fucking head hurt.
More silence, the clock ticking. Icouldn’tstand it.
“Have you talked to Laura?” Iasked, dying to hear more news about Erin.
“Not since the afternoon. She told me she and Erin are having agirls’ weekend, no boys allowed.” His smile returned and he barked out alaugh.
My eyebrows kneaded down on my head. “And you find that funny why?”
“That was oneFuck off my propertyhint, wasn’tit?”
Ididn’tanswer. Nothing seemed funny, especially with my concern for Erin. My gaze turned to the side before facing him again and trying my luck. “Maybe you can ask her how Erin’sdoing?”
“Now? Nope, nu-uh.” He raised his hands in front of him, incredulous. “Girls’ time is sacred. Idon’twant my head to get bitten off, even for you. She’ll be okay as long as she’swith Laura. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“It’seither that or I’ll go over there myself.” Ipassed my hands through my beard, rubbing it furiously. “I’mgoing nuts sitting here and doing nothing.”
“As your best friend who cares for you, I’masking you, don’tdo it. Give her time.” He picked up his beer bottle and noticed it was empty. “Sheesh, Ineed more beer for this shit. You want one?”
Ishook my head and waited for him to come back from the kitchen, then opened the door when the delivery guy came.
“Zach, Ihave to know she’sokay. You have to give me that.”
“Things can’tbe that bad, can they?” Zach tore into the pizza and said between bites, “Ihate it that he pushed her to the floor, but she seemed fine.”
“Physically she’sokay, that’sthe first thing Iasked Laura yesterday.”