
Thomas’sbreathingslowed as Isauntered to the bed, pausing less than three feet from him.

Acar drove outside the window. When it passed, the room fell entirely silent, eerie, and erotic. The two of us eyed each other as Islowly stripped off my shirt and panties. Naked for him to see but not touch, Iinstructed him, “Take off your shirt.”

Thomas, the one who usually commanded me in bed, smirked and accepted the change of roles. His pecs and biceps flexed as he peeled off his shirt, his abs gleaming in the silver light of the moon. He sat straight against the headboard, waiting for more.

“Your sweatpants and boxers. Off.” My voice was ragged, less demanding. The warmth in my center built up; the pounding of my heart accelerated.

He threw the covers to the side so I’dhave aclear view of him, only then removing his briefs and leaving his god-like body bare. He was hard and met my gaze with his bold one.

Ibit down on my lip, swallowing awhimper. My hands moved involuntarily to caress my stomach, imitating his touch from before.

“Touch yourself,” Iwhispered, acoarse, barely audible sound.

Despite the hushed volume of my plea, Thomas heard it.

With one leg bent and the other splayed on the bed, he curled his fingers around his hard cock, starting from the base and stroking himself at aslow pace. Self-assured and outpouring confidence, Thomas’sdark eyes entranced mine, capturing me in his invisible web.

If he wanted to go slow when he told me he loved me for the first time, tonight was anything but. Even as he rubbed himself in careful, unhurried tugs, and grazed his head at an equally slow, dragging pace, he breathed and exuded flames all around him and over the bed.

The connection between us made it so Iknew him, the depths of him, without him having to say aword, and right there Thomas sought away to unburden the wave of emotions that suffocated him from today’ssession.

Araw and unrelenting way, one that would throw us straight into the fire, one that would burn the hurt and melt it off us.

“Can Imake arequest, my love?” He stroked himself while talking, his voice nearing adangerous edge.

“Yes.” Ikept my sentence short, my knees barely holding me in place.

“Iwant you to touch your tight cunt for me, tell me if it’sas wet as Ithink it is.”

My head felt dizzy as Istruggled for air, my lungs filled with alust that wouldn’tlet anything else in. The hand on my belly delved lower and Idipped one finger into my slit, sliding it in and out as slowly as Thomas’seyes ate me up.

“Isaid, tell me if you’re wet.”

“Iam,” Isighed, incapable of maintaining any control over this. Idesired him such that Itrusted him with my heart and with my orgasms in equal measures.

“Good. Take it out and rub your clit.” He raised his voice by anotch, just loud enough for me to feel enveloped by his deep tone, to have him on me without actually touching. “Slowly.”

My knees gave out from under me, and Idropped to the rug on the floor, leaning with my other hand on the bed for support while keeping my head high to see him. Touching myself took me high, but Thomas’sgaze blew me right into another galaxy, flying among the stars, an out-of-body experience.

Though Iached to be fucked by him, Ialso longed to preserve this dynamic we shared. Iwas having too much fun to stop.

“That’sright, let it all out.” He cursed under his breath. “Now touch your beautiful breasts for me.”

“You had only…” Irasped, “…one request…” Sweat beads formed on my forehead, my hair clinging to my cheeks. “Remember?”

“Do it or I’ll get up and do it myself.”

Inarrowed my eyes, his tone thrilling me more than anything. “I. Dare. You.”

Thomas didn’tmake empty threats. In aheartbeat, he stood from the bed, kneeled next to me and set my back on the rug.

He held down both my thighs, gripped them and pushed them apart, exposing me to him.

“Ican only be patient for so long.”