The horriblemeeting with Thomas sent me right into the school’sstudio to paint Deidra.
Istarted painting her with an unexplained compulsion the more Greg treated me like garbage. When he stopped coming home early, Icame to work on Deidra. When he only texted me to see if Ihad cooked and cleaned or ironed his shirts, Icame to work on Deidra. When he showed no signs of caring about me at all…Icame to work on Deidra.
The idea for Deidra and her happy, colorful soul popped into my head as aform of escapism. Ipainted my heart out with her and she rescued me as Inavigated life without him in them.
Ilaid down the final brush strokes when the door to the studio opened abruptly and Thomas walked in my direction in large strides. My eyes darted from Deidra to him, so nervous that my brush dropped to the floor.
He stopped afew feet away from me and lowered his gaze to lock eyes with mine. His golds and browns turned ashade darker and Ididn’tdare to ask what Ihad done this time or even drop to the floor to pick up my brush.
“We’re stuck together.” His voice was low, meant for my ears alone.
My head hurt from last night’salcohol binge. It didn’thelp me forget about Thomas and our lousy work arrangement, it only ruined what little, if any, good that man thought of me. Isaw it in the look he gave me, alook that matched Greg’s, the one that screamed,You’re incompetent.
Unfortunately, Thomas, unlike Greg, had an excuse.
“Isee,” Imanaged to say after the anxiety of having him hover over me wore off.
“We need to talk. Set boundaries.” His lips pressed together, his body firmly in place, unyielding. “You’ll be owing me alot of explanations this year.”
Ibit the inside of my cheek and dug my fingers into the stool to save myself from showing him his menacing tone got to me. Iwould never show him any sign of weakness.
If Thomas noticed my change of behavior, he didn’tgive any indication. “We’re bound to work together. If you don’tlike it, now will be agood time to hand in your resignation.”
Quitting wasn’tan option. Neither he nor anyone else would come between me and my dreams. Ishook my head. “Then Iguess we’re stuck. I’mnot aperson whowants the easy way outlike you think of me. Inever was.” Ilifted my chin, refusing to look at the ground. “And you…you…are not going to force me to do it.”
“As you wish.” He took astep closer, casting ashadow over me with his broad shoulders, the frown glued to his face. “From now on, Iwill not tolerate any more of your irresponsible attitude.”
Inodded, agreeing with him silently that Iacted unprofessionally. Ihated his tone though. Ireally hated it.
“You will always, always arrive on time. If you’re late, I’ll demand the dean’soffice to fire you.”
The resolve in his voice stunned me silent and he marched on, “You will prepare in advance for each and every meeting. I’ll be sending you emails at any hour of the day, and consider yourself obligated to answer them within afour-hour timeframe, even on weekends. Most importantly, you’ll acknowledge that Iam the one who runs these classes. Any criticism you might have about its curriculum, you better keep to yourself.”
Awave of pain resurfaced after years of verbal abuse. Every shout directed at me, names I’dbeen called, and the accusations of being useless, came rushing back, courtesy of Thomas.
Idecided I’dfind my way to act by his rules and still have my revenge on him for what he did to me. When he’dleast expect it.
“Fine with me.” Ishrugged and got up, holding his gaze amoment longer before crouching to the floor and retrieving my brush. “Anything else?” Iasked as Isat back down, looking at Deidra for moral support.
From my peripheral vision Isaw him craning his neck to observe her, and Ifelt aprotective need to hide her from him.
Fortunately, Ididn’thave to. Thomas left the studio.
“My Erin, the loss is entirely his.” Mom’ssoothing voice came from the other side of the country in sunny San Diego. She listened as Itold her without too many details what happened with Greg, and after three years, she told me what she thought of the man Ihad called my boyfriend.
“Ihaven’tliked the stories Iheard from you these past years, especially not how you drifted away from us, but you’re abig girl. Ibelieved you’deventually be able to tell he was wrong for you.”
“Was he that bad?” Iwinced. Apparently, everyone had noticed Greg treated me poorly except for me.
“He wasn’tagreat person. Anyone who’dmake my little bubbly ray of light dim down isn’tagreat person.” She sighed. “No mother likes the idea of her daughter being mistreated, especially not after what your dad put us through.”
“Oh, Mom…” Ialmost dove into the phone to take her in my arms.
“Don’tfeel sorry for me or yourself, for that matter; we should be proud of our strength as women to have survived him.”