While he was busy feeling up and down my body and not pinning me in place, Isurprised Thomas by pushing him on his back and removing his jeans and boxers without giving him achance to stop me. He spied my movements intently and let out agrowl when Istraddled him, my sleek wetness enveloping his erection.

It didn’ttake him long to recuperate. Once he found his breath, he pierced my butt with diligent fingers, sinking them just enough so it would hurt so good and swayed me on his cock. Aslow pull, aslow push, showing me the rhythm he liked while tuning in to my eyes, my nose, my mouth.

He hadn’tsaid anything, but somehow, Iknew he was looking for signs that Iliked it, and Iliked it alot. Every time his head rubbed against my swollen nub, Ispiraled in an erotic mist, my head dropping low to his shoulder.

Another orgasm stirred my insides, and before it ripped me in half again, Icrawled back on my knees, stroking his glistening, smooth cock. My hand moved to the same rhythm he applied to my hips, goading grunts and impassioned stares from the man Iwas determined to satisfy, the man Iitched to have inside me.

“Fucking hell.” He reached for my hair, twirling alock, tugging it. “I’ve never been desperate but Iam for you. Come here.”

My heart palpitated and beat with aforce in my ears, and yet Iwanted to touch him more, prolong this moment where everything around us turned into abright light. Isat on my knees while Iheld his cock, my free hand circling his and plucking it from my hair.

Iwatched him as he watched me with fire in his eyes, as Ibrought his middle finger to my mouth and sucked it until it reached my throat, swirling my tongue around it, sucking it and repeating it again.

“Erin, Ineed to…” Groan. “…Iwant to fuck you.” Ifelt his cock thicken in my palm, the slightest pulse. “Have you got acondom?”

“I’mon the pill. And clean.” The words came out choked as he retrieved his hand and used the soaked fingers to toy with my nipples.

“Iam too.” He flipped me on my back in one swift motion, his lips inches from mine, curved in aplayful smile. “Clean, Imean. Not on the pill.”

He caged my head with his forearms, his cheek next to mine, kissing my neck softly. Thomas nudged at my entrance with the tip of his cock, pushing against my folds until he almost entered me, then pulled out. The glint in his eyes taunted me, withholding what both of us itched, longed, and went crazy for.

Isunk my nails into his shoulders and groaned into his ear, the frustration taking shape, becoming real, “Fuck. Me.”

Thomas sucked on the delicate skin of my neck and shoved himself inside, sinking himself to the hilt. My back arched, my walls stretched around him while my thighs squeezed and quavered in intervals. He stayed there, letting me get accustomed to the feel of him, caressing my cheek with atender thumb, then kissing the area he rubbed.

Without leaving my face, he lowered his mouth to mine, his breaths burning and healing, taking air and giving back. When he found my lips, like Ihad afeeling he always would, he parted them softly, giving me his tongue with my taste fresh on it.

His tenderness didn’tcontradict how he tensed the millions of nerve endings in my body. Igrabbed his shoulders, imploring him with my eyes and urgent kisses to move, to take me. And then with the slowest movements, the utmost care, Thomas thrusted in and out of me with meticulous pace.

Thomas filled up more than just my obvious holes with his kisses and smooth, demanding grinds. My organs, my every cell, my soul sensed him from the tips of my toes to the curve of my waist to the dark spaces behind my eyes. He lit them up and Ishined bright just for him.

The long weeks of wanting him built up aravenous part of me Ididn’trecognize, wanting something Icouldn’teven name but Iknew the sweet lover in him could give me. Thomas would know.

Ibit hard on his lip to get his attention, my face focused on him. “More.”

His eyes changed, abarely-there squint. The fingers wrapping my face tightened their hold while Thomas fucked me, hot and hard, pinning me to the bed with each moan Ibreathed into his mouth.

His untamed gaze didn’twaver from me for asecond as he laid claim on me. “I’ll always give you more,” he growled, sliding two fingers to my clit, not slowing his thrusts in the slightest. “Whatever you need, Erin, I’ll be there.”

My chest constricted and expanded with so many emotions. An endless flow of them, flooding me and then rolling out in waves until they clouded us in amist of colors that were only visible to us.

And then it happened. The heat in my center gave afinal tug on my lower stomach before exploding, radiating up my body, expanding my lungs, and Icame with the fullest inhale, fresh air and colors and heat and life saturating me and us and the bed we were making love on.

Igripped his face like I’ddrown in my orgasm without him, acry of anguish and want parting from me.

“God, Ilove it when you come on my cock,” he said in agruff voice, loaded with feelings he was close to letting out. With his hair covering us and tiny sweat beads on his smooth forehead, he plunged into me over and over, consumed with the need to chase his own release.

The voice that came from him as his semen burst into me sounded so raw, so alive. So him, and exactly what Iwanted.

Careful not to crush me, Thomas relaxed on top of me while planting small kisses on my nose and cheeks. He melted into me and Ifelt cared for, in astate of complete bliss. Surrender came easy with him.

The rapid beats of his heart ebbed and he rolled to the side, hugging me to him. Our legs were entwined, mine on his, his on mine, together.

“Imissed you, Erin.” He kissed the top of my head, his lips lingering there as he talked. “Iwanted you before this vacation, and Imissed you so much.”

He squeezed his lips one final time before looking into my eyes, cherishing me through them. “Seeing you everyday made it easy to accept that we might never be nothing more than friends, but this distance, three weeks without seeing you? Irealized Icouldn’twaste another day without trying. Ihad to try.”

This moment, Ipromised myself, would be one I’dsavor for along time, maybe for infinity. “Imissed you too.” Ileaned on my elbow and glanced to the cotton sheets before mustering the nerve to raise my eyes to him. “You’re kind of abig part of my life now.”