“Mother, I have an errand, but should return in a few hours.” Slade kissed his mother on the cheek and his sister. He grabbed his brother’s hand and squeezed it. “Feel better, brother. We will continue this discussion.”

“Ugh! I was afraid of that,” Graham teased.

* * *

An hour later, Slade had the Rothmore’s manor house in sight. He reached into his coat pocket and felt the gloves. “Who am I fooling? I am not interested in seeing Lord Percy Stewart. I wanted an excuse to see Lady Bella Stewart,” he admitted out loud, a little put out with himself that any woman was commanding this much of his attention. Yet, he could not get the dark-haired beauty from his mind. Even with all that was happening around him, this was a diversion he could not resist.

He handed Winston’s reins to the footman that met him in front of the manor. For a second, he gazed up at the windows on the second floor and wondered which was Bella’s. It had to be the Christmastide season getting to him. Otherwise, he could not imagine the source of the sappiness coming over him.

He pulled back on the knocker for the rounded oak door. Bella’s parents, The Earl of Rothmore and his wife, Lady Rothmore, had directed a complete renovation of the manor years ago when the family moved into it. His mother often commented on the exquisiteness of the gardens, something she took part in doing at the manor. White, interspersed with red, camellias formed the front hedge of the manor. Coupled with the impressive drive into the manor, he could only imagine the formal gardens.Perhaps I can find an excuse to walk through those gardens.

The door opened, and a short man with a balding head and a black mustache greeted him. “Lord Drake! My lord, it is good to see you.”

“Gordon, is it not?” Slade had to admit he was impressed with his memory. The man had been a fixture at all the parties his family had attended here, and the black mustache had made him memorable, at least to Slade.

“Yes! My lord, I am humbled.” The man gave a brief bow. “Who may I alert to your presence?”

“Could you let Lady Bella know I am here to see her for a few minutes? I found something of hers and wish to return it.” Slade fingered the gloves in his pocket, pulling them out, along with the small brown wrapped package, and handing his greatcoat to Gordon.

“Yes, my lord.” He led Slade to a small parlor that looked to be more of a receiving area. The furnishings were limited to chairs, a large round table with an oil lamp in the center of the room, and sheer curtains. The butler gave a curt bow and left to alert Lady Bella.

Soft footsteps padding through the hall, followed by small, booted steps, alerted him to her presence. Her maid had come with her.

“Lord Drake. This is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” she teased lightly.

Slade sketched a bow and rose, wearing a big grin. “I have something that belongs to you. I found it outside the door of the bookstore when I left.” He reached into this jacket pocket and withdrew the pale pink, soft kid gloves and a small brown package.

She gave a small gasp of delight. “I had thought these gone and did not wish to hurt my mother’s feelings. Mary and I stopped by the milliners and purchased a similar pair, hoping she would not notice they were gone. I could not match them exactly. Thank you!”

Her soft gaze locked with his, and he felt something stir in his chest. “I recall you had them on. I am pleased to have found them for you.” He noticed Mary had taken a seat towards the back corner of the room and had pulled out what looked like a handkerchief to embroider. He turned back to Lady Bella and caught a whiff of rose scent. It had something else, but he was unable to determine that—something light and sweet.

She smiled as he handed her the small brown package. “You should not have purchased me a gift, my lord.”

“It is nothing so grand that you cannot accept it,” he coaxed, smiling. “I bought my sister one, as well. I know how much the two of you enjoy them.” He glanced in Mary’s direction and noticed she had not looked their way.

Bella untied the rope and unwound the brown paper, revealing a novel. “Are you saying you approve of my distraction, my lord?” she asked coyly.

He smiled. “I thought you would enjoy it. The book store owner had just opened the box as I was paying, and I asked him for two, instead of one.”

“Thank you. I will begin this tonight!” she said, hugging the book to her chest. Carefully, she folded the paper and inserted it into the book.

“My lady, I find I will be in England, at least for the next month. There are many things to handle with Father’s estate. Would you mind if I called on you occasionally?” His mouth went dry on the last words, and he cleared his throat.Was he nervous?

“That would be very nice. I should enjoy that,” Lady Bella responded warmly.

Slade fought the impulse to grin from ear to ear, realizing he felt almost as excited as when they had won a contract for the richest of silks in India. “Would tomorrow at ten of the clock meet your approval?” He hoped Latham would make it to Dover by late afternoon, but the morning in her company seemed perfect to him.

“It would work wonderfully. My mother has decided to make a trip to London to visit her favorite modiste there. We do not plan to leave until later in the week. Tomorrow is perfect,” she replied.

Slade gave a small bow and kissed her outstretched hand. “Please give my regards to your parents and brother.” Leaving, he felt a small elation at having achieved his goal. Suddenly, he could not recall the last time he paid a call on a woman. He had usually kept debutantes and their mothers far away from him. Yet, Lady Bella Stewart was different. Something was alluring about her, something he wanted to figure out.

* * *

Bella heard the great entry hall door close behind him and plopped down in the chair next to Mary, fanning her face with an exaggerated effort. “Did you see those gorgeous brown eyes?”

“I did, milady. I am glad ’is lordship found the gloves. Yer mother would have noticed the difference between those and the ones you purchased. She takes a great deal of time in ’er gift selections.”

“I noticed. And Mary. ’Tishislordship,yourmother, andhergift selections.” She realized her tone had a slight edge and immediately felt bad.

The maid reddened. “I do not wish others to think me above my rank, milady.”

“I cannot think it so. No one in our employ here would think such stuff,” she admonished gently. Bella thought about it again. Mary would get several of her gowns, shoes she had remade to fit her maid, and other fripperies. Perhaps her friend was right.

“I am sorry, Mary. You may have a point that I have not wished to acknowledge. However, I would not do less for you. You are like a sister to me. And I realize we still must maintain a sense of distance, socially. But you have always been my truest confidant, and I want you to have the best of chances life can offer,” her voice whispered gently to the maid, not wishing the housekeeper or anyone to overhear.

Mary cleared her throat. “I think his lordship is interested in you, milady.”

“You do?” Bella hoped so. She had always liked Slade, but always felt that the duke’s son had other ideas and marriage would never be one of them. When he had taken a commission in the Royal Navy and left, she had worried. He returned from war and sold his commission and immediately went to India. Bella had feared there was a woman. It turned out, the man had business on his mind and had created one that competed with the loftier East India Company. And tomorrow, he was visiting her. A small prickle of excitement shot up her arm.

“What should I wear tomorrow?” she asked Mary, nudging her out of the parlor and towards her room. “Let us return to my room and check my dresses. I want tomorrow to be perfect.”