“Nay! He’s a fine-looking one, milady.” Her voice grew sad. “’Tis a sad situation about his father, the duke.”

Bella shuddered, recalling the horrific coaching accident her parents had described to her. The Duke of Newcastle had perished in the accident and his son, the Marquess of Hertford, had been badly injured. “Thatis Slade?” Bella knew she should not address him such, but Slade and his family had country homes here in Dover that were close. She looked down to hide her blush as she realized he was looking at her.


A man’s voice sounded from behind her, and she whirled to see Slade . . . Lord Drake smiling at her. She noticed the black band on his arm and was reminded of his family’s mourning.

“I thought it was you, Lady Bella,” he said, sketching a bow. “Are you here to buy those gothic novels Tabetha enjoys?”

Caught! Drat. “I may get such a novel, my lord,” Bella said sweetly. “I thought I recognized you when you entered. My condolences to your family, my lord. ’Tis terrible circumstances that made you return, but ’tis nice to see you in Dover.”

His look turned somber. “You as well, Lady Bella. Please send my greetings to your brother Percy. How is he doing these days?”

“Percy is to be married on the Twelfth Night to Lady Emmeline Rogers,” Bella replied, excitedly giving her brother’s good news. “You should call on him.”

“I do not believe I recall Lady Emmeline Rogers. Is she from Dover?” he asked.

“She is from Sussex. Percy met her in London in the early spring,” she replied. “We all adore her. She seems nothing but laughter and sunshine.”

“We cannot have too much of that. I am eager to meet this fabulous lady that will become your sister,” Slade responded, grinning.

He looked around, seemingly unfamiliar with where the books were in the bookstore. “Can I help you find something, Lord Drake?”

“Actually, yes. I am trying to locate a flower book for my mother. I thought it could cheer her up. And if you point me to one of the latest gothic romances, I should pick it up for Tabetha.”

Bella laughed. “Your sister would love that!” She inclined her head. “Here are the gardening books. There may be several books to consider for your mother.” She showed the section of books in front of her, startled that she had chosen that very row to watch him from. “The novel you seek for Tabetha is two rows up. Please tell her I asked about her and I should like to call on her soon if she is up to having visitors.”

She gazed up at him.He is so handsome. Lord Slade Drake had always been handsome in her eyes, but time had magnified his appeal. While he wore his hair longer than the current style, she loved the delicious way the dark wavy curls hit his shoulder. He had not bothered to put it into a que. Slade had always marched to the beat of his own drummer. It was one of his many attractive qualities, even though she had no illusions he had ever noticed her.

Percy had attended Eton with Slade. The two of them became good friends. Over time, their families had occasionally spent time together.

Bella had maintained a friendship with Tabetha, his younger sister. She would need to find a reason to call on Tabetha.She had met no one this Season who could compete with Slade and wished it to end soon. But now . . .

Mary walked up from behind her before she was ready to leave.

“I suppose we should go,” she said begrudgingly.

“I have to be on my way as well,” Slade said. “May I escort you to the front?”

* * *

Slade stepped back and silently watched Lady Bella Stewart and her maid exit the bookstore, each carrying a small brown wrapped package under their arms. The bell on the door jingled behind them. She had grown into a beautiful young woman. Bella and his sister, Tabetha, had been friends for years. He had often seen her while growing up, as he and Percy would frequently alternate the smaller school holidays at each other’s properties. She was no longer all bones. Slade did not fail to notice the curves her body had gained. With her pink gown, her dark brown hair, and her violet eyes, she looked perfect. He wondered how she had escaped the Season without becoming betrothed. Perhaps it was his good fortune.

Slade quickly paid for the books and joined his valet on the sidewalk. Talbert had picked up the clothing he had ordered for Slade. Luckily, his size had not changed in some time, so Talbert had only hastily measured him before deciding the tailor could use what he had on file. New cravats, linen shirts, boots, breeches, and waistcoats filled the boxes being loaded into their carriage. It made him feel self-conscious. “Are you ready, Talbert?”

“Yes, my lord. I believe your wardrobe is suitably refreshed,” the smaller man quipped. “I found these gloves just before you came out of the bookstore. I believe one of the young ladies dropped them.” He handed the gloves to Lord Drake.

Slade raised his brows. He recognized the gloves and acknowledged them with a quick nod. “I believe they belong to Lady Bella. I had planned to visit her brother and I can return them.” Slade smiled. It provided the perfect excuse to see her later. “I need to meet with a few people before the end of the day, so I will leave you to return home with your purchases.” He handed the small brown book packages. “Place these packages on my dresser. I shall take care of them when I return,” he added before walking across the street towards the stables.

“I can have your horse brought around,” his valet offered.

“No. But thank you. The fresh air will do me good.” His house was shrouded in darkness and gloom since his father’s death. His brother was still gravely injured and had asked Slade to visit Wortle’s office before he left.

“Very good, my lord.”

Slade didn’t turn to watch the carriage carrying his valet and his purchases depart. Instead, he turned up a side street and opened the door to a narrow brick building. Facing a long flight of stairs, he took them two at a time until he stepped off on the third floor and opened a small brown door.

A burly man sat just inside the door and nodded him in. “He’s in the back, my lord.”

The man is smart,he thought, heading down a dark corridor. Before he got home, Slade also planned to find out more about a certain woman in Brighton. If something happened to his brother, God forbid,hehad no intention of offering for her. And if his brother survived . . . he could decide. But Slade wanted more information.There must be a connection to Graham, but what is it?