Percy never paid court to Diana. He would be married in little more than a month to a lovely woman he met this past spring. And here she was courting Lord Slade Drake.

“Milady, would you like a bath before you change your dress?” Mary asked, smiling sweetly.

“I shall not need one until later, Mary. But thank you.” It seemed Mary was still trying to recover from falling asleep on the picnic today. Bella swallowed a smile. “Mary, it was all right this morning. I will never tell Mama that I was ravished beyond belief while my maid slept,” Bella teased.

“Oh, milady! Go on with you,” Mary said, swatting the air playfully. “You woke me up telling me I would be sitting with goats.”

Bella laughed. “Yes, it was mean of me. But you know it was all in fun. Lord Drake knew I was merely teasing you. I apologize. Although, stitchery would have cast me asleep, too.”

Both women sniggered. Bella realized she would have to be more careful with her teasing. Mary was sensitive where her chores and her mistress were concerned and wished no one to see her as entitled. The close friendship that underpinned their mistress-servant relationship could sometimes be prickly to navigate.

“He asked me for tomorrow!” Bella’s words were more than an exclamation of her excitement. She could not wait to see him again. What would he have in mind? Secretly, she hoped horseback riding would be involved. She would like nothing better than an excuse to ride her horse, Winnie.

“Milady, it would not surprise me to guess he would have something exciting. I just hope it isn’t horseback riding.” Mary visibly trembled. “Ye know I cannot sit on the silly beasts.”

Bella snorted. “No. I shan’t do that to you. If we are to ride, I shall take the footman,” she replied. “I promise.”

“Thank you,” Mary said, her face wide in a grin.

Bella stretched. “I know we had food and all, but I found I could do with a little more than a wedge of cheese and a small cup of wine. My nerves are at sixes and sevens.” She stretched her arms and groaned. “’Tis a glorious afternoon to read. A small plate of sandwiches and a cup of chocolate would be perfect. I will wander to the kitchen and rustle that up.”

“Nonsense, milady. I will see to that. Get comfortable. I shall not be long.” Mary picked a spoon from the floor that must have slipped from the morning tray and stuffed it into her apron. “I will take this to the kitchen.” The maid left the room singing her favorite little ditty, making Bella smile. Mary’s voice was delightful to listen to, unlike her own. Bella could barely carry a tune. Gratefully, Mama had never embarrassed her by making her sing in front of the company. She hated to sit through many such performances.

Bella placed a small, rolled pillow behind her back and, leaning back, stretched out at her window seat, enjoying the warmth radiating through the thick panes of glass.All I need is a cup of warm chocolate,she thought. She was not much of a napper, but if she could sleep in the middle of the day, it would be with a dream of him, she determined. Sleep could not come soon enough!