“Can we move her? Or should we let her come around out here?”
“Carry her back to town,” Irving said. “The doc can have a look at her. I reckon she just needs time.”
Zane looked around again to see the sheriff had rounded up the horses and thrown Jarvis over the saddle of Michelle’s mare. Zane lifted Michelle with utmost care, then carried her to Buck, who stood on trembling legs, sides heaving. Irving held the reins.
Zane stroked the stallion’s neck, gave the critter a little time to calm. When the horse had its nerves under control, Zane went to the saddle.
Stockwood came up and said, “Let me hold her while you mount up.”
Because it would jostle her around less, Zane let go of her. It took every ounce of willpower to do it.
He swung up, then Stockwood handed Michelle over, and Zane began a slow, even ride to town. It was the longest ride of his life.