“But it’s not our main purpose.” Michelle would love to get involved in the board meetings of the ironworks. “Stiles Lumber is our main purpose. Yes, I could do a lot with that foundry, but now that we’ve taken control of the lumbercompany, we need to find out what damage Edgar has done and go to work fixing it. And you can do that just as well as I can.”

“You were always raised to take over. I was supposed to be the builder. You were supposed to make sure I had all the iron and lumber I needed to build my bridges and trestles. And invent new and better machines to make our trains run. Hauling logs down steep mountainsides is serious business.”

“Now that we’ve talked about our history and parents’ plans for us—things we both already know—I’d like to find out what you’re planning.”

Jilly looked away from Michelle, toward the mountains and trees. As a woman might look for an escape route.

“You’re welcome to stay here, but it’s no longer a hiding place. You can go home to Mama if you wish. They’re as capable of protecting you there as I am here. Maybe more capable because of how remote the mansion is. You could get married.”

Jilly’s eyes snapped back to Michelle’s with a fire in that green that looked ready to burn. “I’m not planning to marry.”

“You’re not safe unless you do.”

“I’m not safe if I do.”

“I’m safe. Laura is. She can’t be forced to marry someone.”

“You both got very lucky, and I think you know it.”

“I do. Though I knew what kind of man Zane was when I married him. What’s more, even though Laura married so precipitously, she knew Caleb was a good man. She didn’t know how strong he was. How capable of protecting her he was. And she didn’t know some of the secrets of his past. But she knew he was a good man.”

“WeknewEdgar was a good man, didn’t we?”

“Looking back, though, I can see that we were in a position to be plucked like geese for Edgar. Caleb didn’t come around the rich Stiles sisters and act sweet and charming like Edgar did. We descended on him. And poor Zane got both of us and our whole mission group landed on his head. He didn’t come slithering up to us wearing a fancy suit in San Francisco.”

“Neither of you knew anything. And what’s more, you still don’t know what unkindness your husbands are capable of. It’s early days. We all still liked Edgar a month after the wedding.”

Michelle bristled to hear a single word against Zane, but she controlled herself. Mainly because she still wanted an answer to her first question. She’d been patient, but Jilly was dodging. Michelle had seen her dodge this before, but now things were serious.

“You’ll never be safe, not as long as you’re unmarried. Even if you stay unmarried until you inherit the company at twenty-five, as long as Edgar is in our lives and has his plans, you’re in danger. You need to pick a husband and do it quickly. So what are your plans, Jilly? Don’t tell me you don’t know, because thinking ahead is as natural to you as breathing.”

Jilly’s green eyes dropped to the ground. Dodging the question again? Or too upset to look her in the eye with the truth, whatever that was? Michelle wasn’t sure.

“I’ve thought about it long and hard. I ... well ... I understand the dangers of remaining single.” Then Jilly looked up, determination in her eyes. “I’m going to face those dangers. Because no. I will not marry. Ever.”

“Why? Did Edgar do or say something to you?”

Another extended silence before Jilly said, “He just opened my eyes.”

She turned and walked away. Michelle knew it was a waste of time to chase her down and try to shake the truth out of her. It looked like Jilly didn’t believe she was safe. Not yet.