And then the sickness and health. Richer or poorer. Better or worse vows.
Michelle considered those vows unnecessarily dire, promises written by a pessimist somewhere along the line. With no expectation of being poor, hoping to put off sickness until dotage, and considering last night she’d been attacked by a man in her bedroom—that had to be the worst, so things were bound to go up from here—she duly promised with a firm “I do.”
There was no mention of abusive stepfathers and vile men who wanted to buy her. Nor men who attacked in the night with terrible intentions. And certainly no one brought up gold.
All those probably fit under the “for worse” section. She decided what the parson didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. No sense starting a discussion with the cheery man that neither of them wanted to have.
She heard the same grim vows asked of Zane and heard his firm “I do.”
Michelle looked at Zane as he said it. He smiled into her eyes. Fully, with bright white teeth. She really hadn’t noticed him smiling all that much before. He seemed to be all for this wedding business, whereas Michelle had a few misgivings. But that didn’t make her hold back a smile as the parson talked on.
“I ask God to fully and richly bless this marriage.” Parson Lewis raised his hands high and wide and finished with quite a flourish. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Which Zane did with considerable enthusiasm.
Michelle returned the kiss in full measure.
The church door banged open. “Stop the wedding!”
Michelle gasped and whirled to see her mother rushing down the aisle, Caleb and Laura only a pace behind. Nick Ryder, Zane’s cowhand, brought up the rear.
“Mama.” Michelle ran toward her.
Jilly was half a step behind her. They ran to their mother at the same time and wrapped their arms around her. Jilly squealed with joy. Michelle laughed out loud.
Laura threw her arms around all three of them and started to cry.
“Mama. You’re safe. You’re here,” Michelle said, but her sisters were chattering such things at the same time.
Michelle couldn’t remember a deeper pleasure than holding her mother and seeing Laura again. The Stiles women reunited at last.