Zane looked at the Stiles sisters, careful not to pull his attention all the way off Jarvis.

“Is that right? Are you Horace Benteen’s son?” Zane’s stomach twisted. He knew very well why Annie didn’t want Zane involved with this. Benteen was a wealthy, ruthless, greedy industrialist with one of the biggest cattle ranches in the state. His reputation was brutal. He had powerful friends, and he was well-known for taking what he wanted.

But what did this have to do with Michelle and Jilly Stiles?

“Swallowed wrong. Excuse us.” Michelle grabbed Jilly’s hand and tugged her out of the room. Jarvis watched them go, his brow knit as he studied them.

“Did you find his horse?” Annie asked.

Shad shook his head. “We haven’t hunted around.”

“Do it. I think you’ll find he rides a beautiful blood-red bay stallion with black mane and tail. A horse with my husband’s brand on it. Jarvis here is probably so smug he hasn’t even bothered to try and hide the brand.”

“I bought that horse all right and legal. I’ve got a bill of sale I can show anyone who wonders. You’re Mrs. Lane?You had to know your husband sold that bay. I bought it from him.”

“The only thing anyone will wonder is who did the forgery.” Annie’s hands settled on her hips. “My husband never sold that stallion. It was the cornerstone of the breeding at his ranch. He sold stud fees as recently as two months ago for good money. No one will believe you bought that horse from him.”

“They’ll believe what they’ve been told to believe.” Jarvis’s arrogant smile was pulled out of shape by the scar until his face was a mask of cruelty.

“I know how connected your father is, but he’s still worried, isn’t he?” Annie said. “He knows I might challenge his claim to the land he stole. You were sent here to kill me.”

Color faded from Benteen’s face.

“The two women you assaulted will testify that you attacked them. I will testify that you helped burn down my home, then rode hard along with others to drive my husband and me from our ranch.”

“Are you sure, Annie?” Zane studied the man in front of him.

“Yes. He was one of a crowd, but yes, I am very sure.” She glared at their prisoner. Zane saw her hands drop from her hips and clench into fists. For a long second, he thought she’d swing. And he’d’ve let her. She owed Benteen a fist in the face. She owed him a whole lot more.

“Lock him up again, Shad. We’ll ride in to the sheriff within the hour. I want four men riding with me. I’ll be taking Annie, Beth Ellen, and ... two others with me.”

He didn’t say Michelle’s and Jilly’s names. Something was wrong with Michelle. She’d left at a near run on a feeble excuse.

Zane needed time to talk to her. See if she had changed her mind about testifying before a judge.

“WHAT ARE WE GOING TODO?”Jilly had led the way to their rooms.

Michelle closed the door firmly and turned a key in the lock. The key was always there, just sticking out of that lock like it was part of the doorknob. But they’d never locked it. They’d felt safe here.

“You recognized the name?” she asked Jilly.

“The second I heard Benteen. It’s his father that you were supposed to marry.”

“Mama said his wife was never seen in public. By all accounts, they had this one single son, and Benteen wanted more. Mama overheard ugly, cutting remarks about his wife failing him. Meanwhile, Horace Benteen was known to carouse in San Francisco. He had a house where he installed a mistress, but there were rumors that he had more women besides the mistress, and he was known for leaving a woman battered. He’s been married three times. All his wives died unexpectedly. Word is he’s desperate for another son. His third wife died a year ago from a fall down a flight of stairs.”

“He killed them all.” Jilly rubbed her hands up and down her arms. “Now he’s looking for a new wife.”

“And he’s the one Edgar had picked out for me.” Chills ran like icy fingers down Michelle’s spine. “If we testify against Jarvis, we’ll have to identify ourselves. His father might even show up. Zane wouldn’t let the man drag me out of town, but Benteen would tell Edgar right where we are, and he’dcome. There would be little we could legally do to stop our stepfather from dragging us home.”

A short, sharp knock sounded.

Michelle whirled to face the door. A slash of fear almost made her scream.

“Michelle, let me in.”

Zane. She realized she was expecting Edgar, with Horace right behind him and a parson to perform a wedding ceremony. She wondered if, should it ever happen, Benteen would hand over cash to Edgar right in front of her.

She exchanged a look with Jilly, who shrugged and waved a hand at the door.