“Wrong? Why does something have to be wrong?” Jeremy shrugged, as if he did not know he was not acting like himself. “I merely didn’t want to stay anymore.”

“Since when do you turn down the attentions of a courtesan?” Stephan laughed.

“Since tonight.” Jeremy’s rather firm answer made Stephen step in his way. Stephen held out a hand that made Jeremy fall still, ending his pacing.

“Now, speak to me, my friend. I’ve known you a long time, and I know better than anyone when something is wrong with you.” Stephen’s ability to practically read Jeremy’s mind was infuriating at this point. It made Jeremy look away, somehow hoping if he hid his face, then Stephen would not be able to guess what was bothering him. “Let’s see… Have you wagered too much tonight and lost a lot of money?”

Jeremy continued with his pacing, causing Stephen to make a humming sound and fold his arms across his chest.

“How about business then? Are investments performing poorly and it has worried you so much that you are pacing outside of a gentleman’s club?” Stephen’s words weren’t even acknowledged by Jeremy who continued to pace. “I see that is not it either. Is a woman on your mind?”

Jeremy halted in his pacing. It was so sudden that Stephen clapped his hands together, the sound of which made Jeremy flinch.

“So, what woman has turned you down?”


“Well, surely that is the only reason a woman would be on your mind.” Stephen turned to Jeremy and took his shoulder, steering him down the road toward the carriage that awaited them at the far end.

“No woman has turned me down.”

“Impressive, but that is not explaining things any better,” Stephen said, making Jeremy curse under his breath.

I will not reveal what we did. Sophia wanted discretion, and she will have it.

“Then there can only be one reason for this bad mood of yours,” Stephen declared as he reached the carriage and flung open the door. “Do you care for a woman?”

Jeremy tripped on the step of the carriage and fell face first on the carriage floor. He managed to scramble inside, listening to Stephen chuckle as he followed him in.

“I do not care for a woman,” Jeremy murmured in anger as Stephen held up his hands defensibly and sat opposite him.

“So, you are just avoiding a courtesan for no good reason?”

“No, I am avoiding a courtesan because there is another woman I want in my bed. That is all. That is all this means. Right, Stephen?”



“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”

“Enough, Stephen.” Jeremy thumped the side of the carriage, urging the driver to set off as he fell back into his own thoughts once again.

I need to find a way to get Sophia out of my head.

* * *

By the time Sophia had finished telling Rachel all of what had passed between her and Jeremy, the two of them were hurrying down the stairs, heading to the open front door beyond which a carriage waited for them, destined to take them to a ball that evening.

“Well, I knew from the rumors the Duke of Pemberton would not disappoint as a lover, but I had no idea he would be so… oh!” Rachel seemed stuck for words. Instead of offering any, she simply made a sound and shook out her fan, buffeting herself with a wind to calm her blushing cheeks. Sophia laughed at her reaction as they linked arms and hurried down the stairs together.

“I feel as if I have had an awakening,” Sophia said as she lifted her chin higher. “You were right, Rachel. There is a whole world of excitement out there that I did not know existed and now I have discovered it, I do not think I can go back.”

“That is excellent news,” Rachel declared as they reached the bottom step. “You should look for your next lover.”

“Already?” Sophia laughed at the idea. “I have not forgotten the last one yet!”

“Yes, but as you said, he does not busy himself with the same woman twice.”