“Something else?” She lifted her head up from the table as he looped an arm around her waist.

“Hold on tight.” At his words, she clung to his shoulders. He lifted her from the table cleanly and turned them round, carrying her across the room.

“Impressive,” she murmured, startled by how easily he had lifted her.

“I’m hoping that won’t be the only impressive thing,” he whispered mischievously as he lowered her down to a settee and knelt before her. “Lean back.” She didn’t even think of not doing as he asked, not after what he had just shown her. Resting her back on the settee, she watched as he pushed up her skirt another time, holding it around her hips, then he lowered himself down.

“What are you – oh…” Words left Sophia, and she didn’t finish her sentence. Jeremy had started by placing a light kiss to her bare hip, then he moved his lips to her core.

Her body was extremely sensitive to his touch, making each kiss he placed upon her center cause her to quiver. He seemed to grow bolder with those kisses, each time she moaned his name and leaned further back on the settee.

Because her body was so sensitive, it did not take long to drive her to that peak of pleasure once again. This time, she gripped to the cushions of the settee beneath her, and her back arched off the seat. Once more, stars appeared, and she moaned his name so loudly she feared the staff would hear it from in the recesses of the house.


He lifted himself up then, smiling so widely, he was clearly delighted with himself. She couldn’t come down from her high very quickly, but that didn’t seem to matter to him. He leaned forward and kissed her again.

“You look very pleased with yourself,” she murmured a minute later.

“Oh, I am.” He nodded, prompting her to laugh. “I knew it would be good, but I just didn’t realize it would be quite this good.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well, as you know, not every lover can be thrilling to the touch.” In emphasis to his words, he ran his fingers up her bare leg, making her tremble with excitement.

“My husband certainly wasn’t.” She giggled as she tried to sit straight on the settee. Jeremy helped her up, that smile still in place on his face.

Now, Sophia understood what Rachel had been talking about. With the right lover, all of this could be a thrill indeed. It didn’t have to be a chore or something to dread. On the contrary, Sophia already longed to do it again.

Could another lover be like this?

The question burned in her mind as Jeremy went to fetch them more drinks. He knelt in front of her again and offered up another whisky, which she gladly took.

“So,” she said after a swallow of whisky. “It seems our deal is at an end.”

“That it is.” He acknowledged with a nod. “Happy we made the deal?”

“Very much so.” She didn’t bother trying to hide her smile behind her glass.

There is no shame in enjoying this moment.

“Thank you.” The words escaped her. Jeremy’s eyes widened in surprise over the rim of his glass before he lowered it.

“What for?”

“For showing me how it can really be.”

“Do not thank me for that, Sophia.” His voice had deepened. “Any good husband would have showed it to you himself.”

Good husband… that is where the difference was.

She took another sip of whisky as she held Jeremy’s gaze.

“Now we go back to what we were, yes?” he said, his tone almost careful. “We will bicker and laugh at each other in public.”

“And I will avoid dancing with you.”

“Ha! Just so. What do you say?”

“That was the deal and I intend to stick to it.” She offered her hand to shake his. When they shook, Sophia felt a deadening in her stomach. It took her a moment to realize what it was.

Is that disappointment?