She gasped into their kiss as Jeremy’s fingers travelled up her thighs, the lightness of his touch but a tease. When he moved near her hips, she felt a pool begin to develop between her legs.

He inched back from their kiss, only enough to hold her gaze.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered.

Trust a rake?

“Yes.” She found the word falling from her lips, for who else would she trust to show her this?

He moved his fingers to her center. The first touch made a shot of pleasure spiral through her core. Sophia moaned as he began to move his fingers.

This is what he meant?

She had no idea such pleasure could be had from a man’s hand. He began pleasuring her, moving his fingers back and forth as he leaned toward her, lowering her down so that her back was on the table, and he was over her.

The passion was overwhelming. He didn’t just move his fingers, but he kissed her. Sometimes it was to her lips, other times it was to her neck. Once, he lifted his hand to pull back her gown again, to kiss her breasts. All of it had her moaning his name and gripping the table.

Never had her husband shown her this pleasure. She didn’t know it was possible to feel this kind of thrill, let alone for it to be done by Jeremy’s hand.

She could feel her body tightening when Jeremy began to slow his hand. She was desperate for more, wanting it, when she felt him take one of her hands off the table. Softly, he moved her fingers toward the opening of his trousers, never once releasing her center with his other hand.

She looked at him questioningly, needing instruction.

“Take hold of me,” he whispered to her. She didn’t hesitate. She opened his trousers and reached beneath, looking for his length. In the darkness and at this angle, with him above her, she couldn’t see his length, but she felt it to the touch. When she took hold of him, he bent down toward her, moaning and burying his lips in her neck.

Startled at first, she didn’t know what to do, not until Jeremy showed her with his other hand. When she set up a rhythm, he lifted himself up, bracing his free hand against the table beneath her. He renewed his pleasuring of her too, making his name fall from her lips as she tipped her head back on the table.

“Jeremy…” Her mention of his name seemed to do something, as he grew more passionate in his touches.

He kept kissing her, tangling his tongue with her own. It changed something inside of her body. Her hand over his length became stilted as the pleasure in her core mounted. Soon, it overtook her body.

Jeremy’s name fell from her lips another time as she climbed a peak of pleasure and closed her eyes. She could have sworn stars flashed behind the darkness of her eyelids, before she opened them again, to see Jeremy above her, his face flushed red. He took himself out of her hand as he too made a similar sound, though guttural. She looked down when she felt his wetness spill across the table between her legs.

As he came down from his high too, he lowered himself toward her, moving his lips back to hers. She didn’t hesitate in returning that kiss. Lifting her arms up around his neck, she held him to her, needing to continue this moment for as long as possible.

When their kiss ended and both of their breaths were returning to normal, Sophia found herself looking up at Jeremy through the candlelight, seeing that his smile was so great, it was barely contained by his cheeks.

“Quite some adventure, eh?” he said playfully. His words pulled a giggle from her. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she supposed she should have covered herself up now their excitement was done, but she didn’t, and he didn’t move away either. They stayed exactly where they were, both with panting breaths. “Everything you hoped it would be?” he asked.

“I didn’t know it could be like that, and I didn’t know you could…” She gestured down to his hand, showing what she couldn’t bring herself to say.

“Then I’m glad I could show you.”

“I also didn’t know that…” She trailed off, uncertain how to say it.

“Know what?” he asked, leaning back down toward her. When the words didn’t come freely, he moved his lips to hers.

It was such a gentle kiss that Sophia felt her breath was stolen from her body for a different reason. For a moment, the passion had gone.

What is this feeling now?

There was an intimacy to it. One she hadn’t expected.

“You didn’t know what?” he asked softly as he lifted himself up from her a little.

“I didn’t know that feeling could happen.” She gestured to herself.

“Then… your husband never made you feel such pleasure?” Jeremy’s eyebrows shot up at the idea, nearly disappearing into his hairline. “Good Lord, what did your husband do with all his time?” She laughed at his words. “Well, perhaps there is something else I should show you.” He began to move.