No. Surely even Lord Elkins is not mad enough to carry a weapon with him.

“And how dare you barge into my house in the middle of the night?” Jeremy stood taller, hoping to drive home his full meaning. “An earl calling on a duke at this odd hour? Demanding entry into his house? I have a good mind to call a constable.”

The threat seemed to work. Lord Elkins backed up a little. His eyes flitted between Jeremy and the butler before he reached for the door again.

“If she has been here, I will discover it,” Lord Elkins vowed in the doorway.

“Leave my house, or I will call for the constable.” This time, Jeremy’s threat sent Lord Elkins on his way. He hurried to put on his top hat then he scurried out of the building, hastening to his carriage.

Jeremy stood in the doorway and watched him go. Only when the carriage had turned at the end of the street and disappeared into the darkness, did Jeremy close the door and turn back to face the butler.

“Retire for the night, my friend.” Jeremy smiled at the butler who nodded. “It has clearly not been an easy evening.”

“Thank you, Your Grace. Good night.”

“Good night.” Jeremy took one of the candles from the hall table as he watched the butler hurry off through a doorway. Once the butler was gone, Jeremy took off in a different direction. He headed through the sitting room door and out to the other side of the chamber.

There, standing against the glass door, was Sophia. Her face was hidden by the darkness until Jeremy lifted his candle and the orange glow shone through the glass. She smiled a little as their eyes met, then he hurried to open the door, letting her inside.

“Has he gone?” she asked anxiously.

“He has. You have a rather determined brother-in-law, I’ll say that.” Jeremy locked the door behind her. “I almost thought he was…” The thought of Lord Elkins being jealous and wanting Sophia’s attentions crept into his head again.

“He is simply possessive. That is all. He is not fond of the idea of me having my freedom.” Sophia turned back to face Jeremy with that smile still in place. “But he is gone, and we are alone?”

“We are.” Jeremy stepped toward her, moving his lips to hers. This kiss was gentle, soft, merely a promise of what more could happen. When they both parted, they sighed, as if in perfect contentment.

“I have rather happy memories of being in this room.” There was a twinkle in Sophia’s eye as she glanced around the room, in particular when her eyes tarried on the settee.

Jeremy laughed, happy to agree with her.

“Well, perhaps we could choose another room tonight.” The words slipped from his mouth easily.

What am I doing? Why does this feel so natural?

There was only one other woman he had ever taken to his bedchamber, but that was a long time ago, and it was clearly never to be repeated.

“Which room?” Sophia asked, her lips curling into a greater smile.

“Care to see my bedchamber, Sophia?” He offered his hand to her.