“Ah, Lord Elkins,” he declared as he bounded up the front steps that led to his door and into the house. Either side of the hall, candles were lit, basking the faces of the rather baffled butler and the irate Lord Elkins. His cold blue eyes were restless as they darted to Jeremy, and his normally pale visage was red. “What do I owe to the pleasure of such a late and inappropriate visit? Callers should visit in the day, not at night,” Jeremy said pointedly.

“I have come to find my sister-in-law.” Lord Elkins’ words seemed to shake with anger. Jeremy was careful not to let his manner change.

“Have you lost her? Strange, I did not think she was yours to lose, My Lord. She is a widow, after all. She has her independence, does she not?” Jeremy offered the butler a smile and shrugged off his frock coat. The butler took it from him and hurried to the coat closet, clearly eager to be away from Lord Elkins.

“She is missing from the house.”

“She is?” Jeremy tried to sound surprised.

How did he discover it?

“Do not question me,” Lord Elkins said with a cold voice. “I came to check on her and Lady Rumpton, where I discovered Lady Rumpton alone in the chamber.”

“It seems Lady Elkins went to quite the effort to get away from you then.” Jeremy’s voice made Lord Elkins step abruptly forward.

Jeremy supposed such an action was designed to make him flinch and step back in fear, but Jeremy felt no such fear.

I will not be cowed by such a man.

“What did you say?” Lord Elkins spoke through gritted teeth.

“I believe you heard me, or you would not look as angry as you do.” Jeremy shrugged off his tailcoat next and passed that to the butler too. “Thank you. Now, Lord Elkins,” he turned his attention back to the intruder. “What you have not explained is why, in your search for Lady Elkins, you have come to my house?”

“To take her home.”

“And what makes you think she is here?”

“Because of the way you look at one another!” he hissed in a whisper, stepping toward Jeremy once again, but still, Jeremy refused to back up. He merely folded his arms and lifted his chin higher, standing his ground. “I was there at that ball the other night. Do you think I did not notice how you stare at each other? You have picked the wrong woman to charm, Your Grace.”

Nothing feels wrong about it!

“Who said I was charming her?” Jeremy said with a smile. “Just because you believe there is a bond there, it does not mean there is. It almost sounds as if you are jealous, My Lord, of the mere idea that Lady Elkins could look at another man.” Jeremy tossed the words over his shoulder as he stepped away, intending to draw the conversation to a close.

When his accusation was not refuted, and no more was said, his steps fell still, and he slowly turned back to Lord Elkins.

Wait… is he jealous?

Lord Elkins was staring straight at Jeremy, breathing so heavily that his nostrils flared.

“May I remind you that you are not wed to Lady Elkins,” Jeremy said firmly. “She can go where she pleases, and you should not be running over London like a watchman trying to catch her.”

“She is in my care.”

“She is not.”

“Tell me where she is!” Lord Elkins’ voice became so loud that it bounced off the walls back at Jeremy. He glanced at the butler who was still standing by the coat stand, his hands shaking as he placed the tailcoat over a hook.

“I do not know where she is.” Jeremy kept his voice level, determined to persuade Lord Elkins to believe him.

“She has not come to see you?” Lord Elkins shook his head, as if in disbelief.

“Do you see her here?” Jeremy turned in a full circle. “Is she on my arm or hiding behind me? No. I cannot see her either.” At his words, Lord Elkin scoffed and looked away.

“Where have you been tonight then?”

“To the theater. I am fond of a show, and I took in a restoration comedy. I did enjoy a young lady’s company whilst I was there, but she is not here with me now, and neither was it your sister-in-law. Though I confess, wherever she may be, I hope she continues to evade you.”

“How dare you speak to me so?” Lord Elkins stepped forward again. One of his hands darted to a pocket in his coat, so fast that Jeremy half wondered if he had a weapon there.