A mischievous smile appeared on his lips, for he was no doubt thinking of the scandal they had done together.

Yet nothing about that night had felt wrong!

“I have been to the theater unescorted by a gentleman,” Sophia said with pride and lifted her chin higher.

“Is that so scandalous? There is something odd about the world when that causes whispers.”

“The beauty of being a widow is that I can go where I like, accompanied only by my friends, such as Rachel. We even saw on old restoration comedy. It was unashamed in its talk of bedchamber matters on the stage. I do not think I have laughed so much in a theatre before.”

“I can picture you and Lady Rumpton together now. Probably laughing behind your fans and drinking champagne as you watched.”

“Behind our fans?” Sophia pretended to be shocked as they returned to the beginning of the dance, circling each other without touching. “You think we hide our laughter? I do not bother with such pretenses of being demure these days, Jeremy.” Her words prompted Jeremy to laugh heartily. He tipped his head back, clearly indulging in his humor, before he looked back to her again.

He took her hand and led her through some of the paired dancers, before they parted and stood to the side, looking at one another as other dancers walked between them. The forced separation meant they couldn’t talk for a minute, but they kept staring at one another.

How can he look at me like that, yet mean nothing by it?

Sophia was very aware of those dark blue eyes and the intensity they exuded. Not once did he look away from her. That look made her feel desired, as if he wanted nothing more than to return to his sitting room to do more of what they had done the other night.

It is in my mind only. Just because that is what I want, it is not what he wants. He is a rake… he will soon be onto the next lady.

As they returned to one another in the dance, there was no more chance for talking, as the dance came to an end. Sophia tried to hide her disappointment. When she curtsied before Jeremy, she was careful to look down and separate the connection of their eyes this time. She rather hoped that without looking at him so openly, he would not be able to see that sadness.

No other dance will be as good as this one.

When they stood straight again and he offered her his hand, she gasped at that touch. It didn’t seem to matter that she was wearing gloves, for his touch had shocked her. It sent a wave of heat through her, and it was not something she wished to part from.

“Alas, you dance with me,” he whispered, taking one very slow step, as if about to escort her from the dancefloor. “I have been trying to get you to do this for years.”

“Newly wedded ladies should not dance with rakes, you know that.”

“Then thank god you are not a newly-wedded lady anymore.” He took another slow step. The press of his hand against her own made her think he could feel the heat too.

Is that so absurd?

“Dance with me again?” he pleaded, stopping at the edge of the dancefloor.

“I beg your pardon?” She snapped her gaze to him. This time, she saw the depth of that look. His eyes flittered over her, as if he were drinking in the picture of her in the green gown. “Dance again? People will gossip, Jeremy. That would be two dances in a row.”

“Then ignore their gossip. I do.” He shrugged as if it was no complicated matter. His hand was still in hers. She found she didn’t want that hand there anymore, she wanted it in other places. She longed to reach for him, cling to his waistcoat, as if there was no one else in the room.

With one quick glance, she searched out Nick’s face in the ballroom. He was staring straight at her. That face was not difficult to read, for the cold blue eyes were fixed upon her, and there was a crease in his brow.

He is unhappy at what I am doing.

Yet as Sophia looked back to Jeremy, the heat in her body was too strong to ignore. Rather than giving him a verbal answer, she turned in her place, and led him back to the center of the dancefloor.

Jeremy chuckled as he followed her. Together, they resumed their places in the middle, then waited for the music to begin. Only, Jeremy didn’t release her hand as quickly as he should have done. Sophia felt him hold onto her fingers for a beat longer.

What does this all mean?